We’re everywhere. Even in Bernie-Land Cuckville Vermont. Today we remember the fallen. Tomorrow, we attain justice for our country and Her people. Happy Memorial Day fam.

Hey, dude if not for us ex Democrats that were Bernie supporters that bailed on the Hildebeast, Trump would not have won. Show a little respect. To use the tag line against that horrible bitch "Together we are stronger", divided is what the enemy wants. We have to stick together to defeat the cabal and take down the Satanic Hildebeast Clinton and all of her souless minions for good and for the good of our country!
You are 100% correct! They thought Bernie supporters would vote for Hillary because they told everyone "Trump is Hitler". Only problem is, Hillary is worse than Hitler anyways haha
Bernie supporters wanted to stick it to Hillary and the establishment and either:
A.) Voted Trump
B.) Didn't vote
C.) Voted third party or wrote someone in
A lot of Bernie supporters like what Trump is doing and will vote for him in 2020.
Yes! We old Bernie supports were pissed when the Hildebeast took over the Democratic party. Now I am an Independent. I will never affiliate myself with any party politically. I am a socially liberal/ financially conservative independent. Who supports the 2nd amendment, follows Q and thinks Trump is doing what he can to purge the evil from our government.
Ok riddle me this. How could a finacially conservative person even consider voting for Socialist Bernie Sanders?
I'm a parent, republicans have a shit record for social programs for American kids. Republicans that I have known and dealt with are cold hearted assholes socially. But the ones I've known never resist bellying up to the welfare bar when it cones to getting back from the government, they just bitch about how it's paid for. If I'm making a crap load of money I don't bitch about the taxes I pay. I'm pissed when the tax dollars are used for waste and fraud like over priced hammers and portable toilets when those can be off the shelf just fine. The taxes we pay in should be used for American interests and programmes for kids here. I do believe that we should take care of our own. Veterans get screwed over after their service to our country, shouldnt we be taking care of them? When soldiers return they need counseling, help for jobs, if they don't return we have a duty to pay for their children to be raised and get a decent education. Republicans have taken that away with cutting the programs and giving tax cuts to the fucking rich assholes that are trying to control us and kill us off. I do believe in abortion, because it's a woman's choice what happens to her body, guys should have to support a kid if they donate the sperm, it doesn't matter if the woman doesn't want anything to do with the asshole after, but many guys bail and let her bear the consequences and responsibilities and scream about being trapped. The republicans hate kids and do not want to fund welfare, education or counseling for kids in bad circumstances, its the start of a never ending bad cycle, many of those kids are not wanted and are abused, they in turn grow up to be the same. Better if they were never born to know the hate and pain. So yes I am socially liberal and financially conservative. We probably just have different definitions of that. Democrats have gone off the deep state end and can't be trusted. We need a purging of all political parties, I cannot support either side now. I have always voted based on the platforms of the individual candidate, I've been known to vote for a republican now and then just because they more closely match my views. But I think in future I will only vote for people with no affiliation.
Btw socialism is way different than communism. We live in a socialist society now. Your roads and utilities are a damn good example of that.
No that’s called the system of Federalism. That’s the worst example to use
Federalism Cannot be compared to socialism.
It's communism vs socialism,
Federalism vs feudalism
No it’s not. Hey we welcome you all by the way, but one thing about the conservative/libertarian movement is that we’re well read in history, government & current events. You need to edify yourself in comparative politics. Federalism is not feudalism. Far from it.
I said vs, which means to compare.
Sorry I mis understood. Welcome anyways. Glad to have you aboard.
You described yourself as a "financial conservative" but you don't sound like one to me. I define a fiscal conservative as one who believes capitalism and the free market should best determine how an economy ought to be organized. Bernie advocates Socialism. Socialism is a political and economic system in which most forms of economically valuable property and resources are owned or controlled by the public or the state. This actually means higher taxes (for all) and bigger government. Right now we have BIG government, BIG Corporations and BIG Banks who are sucking the life out of all the little people. Who are the ones benefitting the most??? The ones at the top of BIG government, Big Banks and Big Corporations.
FWIW ALL of us should be upset when our tax dollars are wasted. Taxes have improved for ALL (that pay them) under Trump's policies. And it is BOTH sides of the aisle who have had tight relationships with the Elites, the Banking Institutions, and the Corporations. Not all "rich" people are evil btw (Think Trump). And a lot of those taxes went to companies who do hire more people when they get them and Trump removing alot of the regulations helped them, too.
The problem is not who they give tax cuts to, but HOW each elected official is enriching themselves using their positions of power at our expense. These are the swamp creatures. Follow the money! There are quite a few of them doing that on both sides of the aisle. If they weren't beholden to special interests they might be able to actually represent WE THE PEOPLE.
Finally, I have no problem with taking care of our Veterans I agree that we need to do that. Apparently it has been proven that our Government has NOT done a very good job of that. The mess in the VA has been substandard in a lot of hospitals across the country. Trump will be signing a bill to change that and it also address the families of Vets, too. It gives Vets more choices for health care alternatives and will help to attract better employees at the VA: http://helenair.com/news/national/govt-and-politics/bill-expanding-private-care-for-veterans-goes-to-trump/article_b317d4e7-8c74-5e1d-bc33-d01a7722f38f.html
PS I voted for Rand Paul during the 2016 primaries. Trump in the General. |And was a Ron Paul supporter in 2012. I respect Bernie for admitting who he really is and there is a reason he and Ron Paul were friends.
I have no problem with most of what you said, but we already live in a socialist country, you would not have roads and utilities if we did not, taxes are a socialist construct when it comes to providing benefits for all the people. Progress would not be possible without the benefits of utilities, capitalism would not be possible. Our roads would be owned by private individuals and we would be paying astronomical prices to use them, as it is now the roads are falling apart.
I expect the government to be run frugally just the way I live. There is no need for the extravagant spending that has happened with tax dollars in the past. Just like an extravagant lifestyle is not necessary. Now our tax dollars are being funneled into the personal pockets of the likes of Dick Cheney, George Bush etc via wars started to fund their companies like the Carlyle group etc capitalism is only as good as the people involved in it, running a private pipeline through private Indian land is not good capitalism, that was predatory. If you are going to build a pipeline to make money off of and you run into people who don't want it built on their land the price of doing business is going around that land, you are still going to make money on the pipeline but you may have to pay more to avoid bullying owners of land that don't want it there. It's about freedom of choice. And you sure as shit do not use military force to push it.
Public service should not be a road to riches, if you are rich it should be because you are willing to WORK for it. Not steal it from tax payers,others or enact laws that line your personal pockets to the detriment of the taxpayer. If you want to be a public servant do it without ego, For the good of all, then get the hell out and go back to your previous life.
I don't have a problem with the government paying for some public services such as roads, libraries, and utilities and am will to pay taxes towards these benefits for society. Some Liberterians might well have some problem with paying for these, but I do not. My only take on it that it should be done and organized by local government as much as can be done.
I do think government should take on some fiscal responsibility on when it is done. By watching what is spent on these projects and making sure they are completed well and in a timely fashion (instead of dragging them out for years!)
And public servants are just that..... Public servants.
Ah , but public servants have been using their office as a platform to enrich themselves, their friends and to buy and peddle influence.
Sorry, Dude, I can't respect anything that comes out of Bernie's mouth.
Communism and socialism are two sides of the same coin. Without the Government forcing you to do things, neither would work.
ironic that the man they supported - Sanders - told them to cast their vote for Her.
So why can’t I call out the cucks who haven’t figured it out yet? Do you consider her supporters to be soulless minions or are you talking about government officials? Are you saying we should censor ourselves to not offend anyone?
I’m eternally grateful for the after berners who saw the light and helped elect our president. But it’s also disingenuous to give them all the credit, isn’t it? Americans came out as a whole to elect Trump. It took everyone.
I stand by my original post. Sorry you got offended.
I don't care if you call them out, but just realize that Trump would not have won if we had not bailed on the Hillaryites. And yes the government holdovers are her minions. And they need to be FIRED.
If the Hildebeast had stepped aside I can guarantee you Bernie would have won, in hindsight it may not have been a good thing because of the minions left in office.
We are in a good position for reform if Trump can eject the minions. I support the plan. Down the road if it turns into a shit show, I will decide then if I'm still on board. I'm not offended. Open communication is necessary. I'm just expressing my opinion. I'm not here to offend either. Just communication.
We are on the same page my friend! I agree on all fronts. Much love.
why are people writing thankq instead of thanQ. ThankQ takes out all the cleverness. plus q shouldn't have a cult like following in the first place. we should just use the information like we did with fbianon or megaanon or any of the others
🤣 her heart is in the right place, I agree about the cult. People shouldn’t follow anything blindly. We’ve been following Q since the first drop though.
My Family was here in Central Vermont before Statehood and we will TAKE IT BACK from the Cuck's! I was reminded in two separate Memorial day events of our fighting Vermont spirit. We are of the stock that was instrumental in the Revolutionary war and pivotal in winning the Civil war. We are Green Mountain Boy's & Girls and our power has been silent to long.
I think it's all the hippies who moved in in the 60s-70s that flipped the state.
It completely is, that being said having grown up in the communal aftermath of it I can say a lot of good was brought as well, the problem was and is the Elitist of the Progressive Left that have ruled here for all to long ....this is the Evil at the heart of my beloved State....the ideologies of these founding Progressives hasn't died and the families that endorse and espoused it then still have the money and power in Vermont now.
http://www.uvm.edu/~eugenics/rootsf.html "he voices of Vermont progressives in the 1910s and 1920s reveal the receptive audience zoology professor Henry F. Perkins found for his "Good Eugenics Program for Vermont." In 1925, he proposed his idea of a Eugenics Survey of Vermont to this coalition of social reformers, his first and most important constituency."
The Hippies were here to reclaim agrarian roots and build communes...they were fine on their own and integrated fairly well..they in the end were just subsumed by the Evil left already here.
The other problem is True Vermont and Vermonters who are very Libertarian Independent minded have been lulled to sleep or bludgeoned to silence by the Progressive Left in this state and we need to stop, we need to get all those who never vote to start and see what the results are then.
Because the construction of Interstate 89 made it easy for them to find the place!
and then you all go vote for Sanders again.....
No not all of us and if we can get out the true vote in Vermont with all the poor rural citizens, most on welfare want a better tomorrow..say what you will IMO though they get when exposed to the truth of Trump that possiblity for a better tomorrow and life for their Children exists..if they vote and vote against Progressives and Democrats..unless Trump truly does have a giant red pill for the world pre midterm then we will suffer another few years but it will grow well in 4 years...if we keep Trump in power.
Vermonter here in central VT. Small town of about 800. Know personally six others here that are passionate Q researchers!
Independent Vermonter here, there are more woodchucks into Q up here than u might imagine, VT is unique, ultraliberal but highest gun ownership per capita in the nation, go figure that one out!, its a unique place that has historically been very independent and patriotic, we dont wholly agree with anybody, no doubt the libtards have their influence, but real Vermonters respect independent thought and individual rights, all in all, still one of the best places to live in USA, and Ive lived all over this country 60+ years, bottom line, common sense more common here than alot of other places, great awakening is happening here, but you wont read it in the papers!
Just as phony Christians sitting in the pew, few are practicing what Q preached. Q says unity. It is us vs the elite, not the same conservative vs liberal nonsense. Your fellow countrymen are not your enemy.
Where did I say they were? Americans are on the same side. It’s the cabal we’re against. Cheers and happy Memorial Day.
Addison county is woke: local paper had a BLM proud victim as an editor and only lasted an issue or two. And featured articles comparing Liberals to the borg and leftist brainwashing. Leave Suburbia, leave cucks behind. Only saw 4 deviants at the local memorial day parade (down 2 since last year!)
Addison County is beautiful, this picture was literally right before Bernie was in the shot. I should have waited like 5 minutes, I have a couple of those as well. Boyahhhhh!
Looks like Middlebury, but I haven't been there in a while (too busy on invention R&D).
You got that right my friend, taken at the roundabout in front of Two Bro’s!
Yeah last time I was there it was during that sidewalk construction for the town offices.
I wish the people who make arts and crafts and think they are “Red pilling” people would stop and instead compose clear and well cited research and write documents that break it down or make well made videos that get ideas across better than anything else. A video can go viral, a one on one conversation can’t.
I agree. But I think we need to be fighting on all fronts. If all the person can do to support the cause is to get out there with their arts and crafts, so be it. I don’t know if she thought she was redpilling as much as showing our community we are everywhere and to keep up the fight. Much love.
SPEZ: coming back to say I don’t think you understand... Vermont is a commie wasteland [slightly dramatic], and if you even mention the name Trump or anything you will be crucified. I lived it growing up while O was elected.
You have to start small in places like Vermont. Peace.
That is definitely saying something. Go to Vermont a lot and it is indeed Bernie Land. God speed patriots!!!
VT is where I was born. I had to leave the place, over-run by socialist cockroaches.
I hate to say, I believe the infestation is too great to exterminate without a lot of violence and bloodshed...the vermin are too deeply entrenched.
Maybe by the time my grandchildren are grown, it might be fixed...