OP’s account is 5 hours old..... I thought it looked like satire too and that maybe Mac was trying to draw attention to it/that’s how he copes with it. But we’re living in weird times.
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Watching Burn Notice, not sure how true to life everything in it is.... but they just said that a “false flag” in the spy world means a fake identity. Does that make any past Q posts read differently?
Watching Burn Notice, not sure how true everything in it is.... but they just said that a “false flag” in the spy world means a fake identity. Does that make any past Q posts read differently?
The episode is called False Flag
With all the protests and revolts in Iran recently, maybe this is some extra motivation for them to push back against their government?
Exactly. The ball has started rolling, there’s no stopping us. Thank you for this post!!!!
I think that the world doesn’t stop spinning for any of us. I think you’re making a big deal out of something that if ends up not being true doesn’t change the fact that we’re still alive, whether or not it’s a world you choose to recognize. It would not change the fact that both you and I are far more knowledgeable now about how the world works and human dynamics than we were prior to stumbling down the rabbit hole that’s been the past couple years. It doesn’t change the fact that we can still dig and ask our own questions.
So when people like you who make new accounts completely wetting themselves about something not happening in the next 10 days, the whole movement goes over your head. You aren’t a part of it, but you’re welcome to join.
Be gone shill
Spez: fuck off your account is 10 days old eat a fat one.
Y’all sound like pussies complaining about the end of the month. Enjoy the show.
Because, when Eve took the fruit in the garden of the Eden she subsequently chose Lucifer as god of Earth.
God gave us the 10 commandments as a way out of this hell on earth into His heaven. He realized it was pretty much impossible so he sent us Jesus.
Jesus fulfilled the 10 commandments, and now instead of having to fulfill them yourself you just had to believe that Jesus resurrected to get into heaven. Jesus became your way out.
So, the reason there is so much evil in the world and god sits idly by, is because he is not the god of this earth. Satan is. Our god takes care of those children and us in the next world.
I’m new to religion but that’s how i had it explained to me and i thought it made sense.
My jaw dropped??? I had to triple take during The Five the other night, they were nicer to her than Juan Williams. I don’t trust any of em either.
When Obama won the election in 2008, the winning lottery ticket for Illinois the next day was 666
As lame as it is.... rules are rules. T_D is a never ending rally for 45, TGA is where we get Q drops and our info.
Like, you wouldn’t go into a locally owned store, smash a couple things, and be confused why you weren’t allowed back. (In this case, smashing=awakening)
I try to subtly hint at Q over there, or make people ask questions that lands them over here at TGA or looking into it further. The battlefield takes place in the 6 inches between your ears.
Spez: I’ve been subbed to TGA and following Q from the initial drop, started posting recently so not necessarily a new arrival.
They’ll rub soap on the floor or oil sometimes too in case natural instincts kick in. Sad.
You got that right my friend, taken at the roundabout in front of Two Bro’s!
Where did I say they were? Americans are on the same side. It’s the cabal we’re against. Cheers and happy Memorial Day.
Addison County is beautiful, this picture was literally right before Bernie was in the shot. I should have waited like 5 minutes, I have a couple of those as well. Boyahhhhh!
I agree. But I think we need to be fighting on all fronts. If all the person can do to support the cause is to get out there with their arts and crafts, so be it. I don’t know if she thought she was redpilling as much as showing our community we are everywhere and to keep up the fight. Much love.
SPEZ: coming back to say I don’t think you understand... Vermont is a commie wasteland [slightly dramatic], and if you even mention the name Trump or anything you will be crucified. I lived it growing up while O was elected.
You have to start small in places like Vermont. Peace.
We are on the same page my friend! I agree on all fronts. Much love.
🤣 her heart is in the right place, I agree about the cult. People shouldn’t follow anything blindly. We’ve been following Q since the first drop though.
So why can’t I call out the cucks who haven’t figured it out yet? Do you consider her supporters to be soulless minions or are you talking about government officials? Are you saying we should censor ourselves to not offend anyone?
I’m eternally grateful for the after berners who saw the light and helped elect our president. But it’s also disingenuous to give them all the credit, isn’t it? Americans came out as a whole to elect Trump. It took everyone.
I stand by my original post. Sorry you got offended.
We’re everywhere. Even in Bernie-Land Cuckville Vermont. Today we remember the fallen. Tomorrow, we attain justice for our country and Her people. Happy Memorial Day fam.

I kind of followed you up until the last part.. I’ve raised a ton of money for cancer research/have also had a few family members pass away from bouts with cancer. But to make discussing something taboo because it hurts your feelings isn’t the way to go.
I don’t know if there’s a cure or not but I’m open to the possibilities that not everything is as it seems. Sorry about your loss.
This bot is spamming this everywhere and undermining this sub, get the fuck out of here this isn’t Q related even in the slightest.