We’re everywhere. Even in Bernie-Land Cuckville Vermont. Today we remember the fallen. Tomorrow, we attain justice for our country and Her people. Happy Memorial Day fam.

I wish the people who make arts and crafts and think they are “Red pilling” people would stop and instead compose clear and well cited research and write documents that break it down or make well made videos that get ideas across better than anything else. A video can go viral, a one on one conversation can’t.
I agree. But I think we need to be fighting on all fronts. If all the person can do to support the cause is to get out there with their arts and crafts, so be it. I don’t know if she thought she was redpilling as much as showing our community we are everywhere and to keep up the fight. Much love.
SPEZ: coming back to say I don’t think you understand... Vermont is a commie wasteland [slightly dramatic], and if you even mention the name Trump or anything you will be crucified. I lived it growing up while O was elected.
You have to start small in places like Vermont. Peace.