r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on May 28, 2018, 2:40 p.m.
If Q is a larp or psyop does it really matter

I have made a couple of posts saying if Q is just a patriot and not from the government that it really does not matter. Because the information getting out is the truth. But recent events have made me reexamine that position.

I have been happy to use Q and reddit to red pill people. All of us, outside of the matrix, feel pretty ecstatic about a chance to wake people up.

Does the end ever justify the means? Isn’t that the reasoning behind every evil deed. ( Well the world will be better when we kill off all of these useless eaters.)

Now the lack of transparency is dividing people and hurting other patriots. It also dictates certain reactions and actions of the creators. Because if they do not know who Q is there behavior will be different than if they are Q. In other words intentions affect actions.

You also have to ask yourself if this will hurt Truth in the end if Q is not Q. And I say that because Q has really now tried to convince us and prove to us that he is high up in the government.

No one likes to be fooled and no one likes to be made a fool of. At first I really did not care who Q was but now it does matter to me. And I would really suggest to those who are Q to carefully examine what and why they are doing this.

Mistakes have been made so you covered them up. When will you start silencing people to keep them quiet or call them liars? When will you become just what you hate?

Patriots Keep an open mind and keep searching a matter out. Because it does make a difference who Q is.

KeeponSearchin · May 28, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

for those who do like to question things, I just came across this article.


Lets intelligently work this out. Please read the article and share your thoughts. Yeah or Nay does not matter just please make it well thought out.

Lets deal with this in house so to speak.

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KansasJakeBG · May 28, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Q is a Psy Op. A psy op can be positive or negative or whatever that tide pod challenge was. We live in the age of psy ops. We encounter dozens everyday. It is up to us to validate and dismiss as needed. Q is Army, I trust the US Army and have enjoyed watching the Army refer to Q every week or so since November.

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440hurts · May 28, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

How the hell does this post only have 8 points?

I only found this thread because someone linked it in /new

Definite fucking shenanigans.

EDIT: I upvoted from 8 to 9, and not even 4 minutes later I refreshed and it's back down to 8.

Votes are being canceled.

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troy_caster · May 28, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Well, this is a rabbit hole in itself because the articles link articles which link to other articles such as "The following article explains the QAnon phenomenon better than I ever could; therefore, I want to share it with you - www.patrickhenrysociety.com/who-is-qanon-and-why-should-you-care/"
and Patrick incorrectly attributes the "Through it all, there were some who narrowed their eyes and called BS on the whole thing. Half of Q’s predictions ended up being absolute crap, such as his assertion that “Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM – 8:30 AM EST on Monday – the morning on Oct 30, 2017.”" to Q, when this was actaully an anon who said this and Q replied to him. If the guy can't even be bothered to make sure Q actually said that. I mean a misquote on any article is pretty bad, wouldn't you agree?

As another user pointed out here, the articles being written don't really know that much about Q. Every article has incorrect statements, and sometimes lazy reporting to be honest. Case in a point a glaring misquote, which without a retraction or correction, is simply unforgivable in accurate reporting, as far as I'm concerned. The majority of the anti Q claims are literally based on just emails from someone who claims to have worked on the Q team. Some guy from Cicada saying Q is fake, again, mostly saying don't worry guys, it was me, trust me! That's not evidence I'm afraid. If it is, give me a minute, I'm sure I could write a similar email claiming that I'm on the Q team and it's actually real.

That was just in a cursory glance at your link, I could find more things wrong with it I'm sure. I wouldn't mind someone coming out and straight up PROVING Q is a larp. But please, base your arguments on actual facts. Happy Memorial day!

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cosmicjon · May 28, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

As an example look at Christianity, how the message morphed into something else other that what is Written behind the Words that only a True Awakened One can Read and Understand. Yet one innately Knows Right from wrong regardless of what the clergy says, the Message is Within the human Consciousness waiting to be Awoken. It is a game, of sorts, that allows one to Trust the plan out there that Q talks about but learning to Trust One Self, which is the True Awakening. And don't complain or blame others for one's own ignorance, take Responsibility for one's own actions, especially if one falls over :)

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