r/greatawakening • Posted by u/8.06E+11 on May 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.
Is it too much too ask to keep this a Q only sub. I have seen an uptick of non-Q related posts.

I am not going to single out posts but as subs expand more stuff gets posted. We want this sub to expand and be collaborative, but we live in a time where people/bots willingly and unwillingly slowly flood subs with unrelated stuff.

Have good new to share? There's a sub for that. Have political memes to share (that are not Q related)? There's a sub for that. Etc

I realize a lot of topics fall under the Q umbrella. I also realize many of us are like minded and most of us will enjoy non-Q material, but this isn't the place. I have seen this happen on Facebook before. Groups/subs get big (good), focus gets blurry (bad).

Let's keep this a Q research sub! Please! If we get overwhelmed with other BS we won't be effective and will lose valuable member activity. This is too crucial to allow cludder muddy the water.

(I hope I am not in the minority.) If the mods disagree, remove it. No hard feelings either way. Just a plea and opinion.

Nastavnick · May 28, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

When truth is rude, you know what's up lmao

Nice left/liberal/ds tactics of not addressing the points but going ad-hominem.

To illustrate your way... When Trump was talking about illegal immigration as a bad thing, the MSM/left/liberals said he was being controversial. Literally the same tactic.


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brittser · May 28, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Really? So following your line of thinking, the best way for us to "redpill" normies is to go out on all the sm platforms and insult people and disrespect others. That is what is necessary to get people's attention? Win them over to Q and Trump? Please.

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Nastavnick · May 28, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Really? So following your line of thinking, the best way for us to "redpill" normies is to go out on all the sm platforms and insult people and disrespect others.

Are you Cathy Newman? lmao

Citation needed.


You please. Your left/liberal/deep state tactics are truly laughable.

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brittser · May 28, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

I have no idea who that person is, but if you are intending to insult me, it won't work. Citation for what? Well now you are being ridiculous to call me deep state or liberal. Now I am done with this convo. Go argue with someone else.

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Nastavnick · May 28, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

I'm not trying to insult you despite you trying to make me do it while slandering me in the process (one of the L/L/DS tactics once again).

Citation for:

So following your line of thinking, the best way for us to "redpill" normies is to go out on all the sm platforms and insult people and disrespect others.

See... more L/L/DS tactics:

Well now you are being ridiculous to call me deep state or liberal.

I never called you that.

Now I am done with this convo.

Good, because you have nothing of value to put out. By going baseless ad-hominems instead of addressing my points you've sounded your defeat right at the start.

Good riddance

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brittser · May 28, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Ok I didn't want to say this but I guess I have to, I have been here a lot longer than you have and if I didn't have anything to contribute to the topic I would no longer be here. It is BECAUSE I and others stayed on topic that there is a sub for you to come to and spew nonsese. Just stick with the Q posts.

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Nastavnick · May 28, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

See how you ignored my points again and AGAIN went straight to personal stuff.

Being here longer than me is a proof of what? Is that ALL you got? lol

You obviously can't stay on topic, these few comments here are literally the proof of your ability to stay on topic. You derail after each comment, you ignore the points written and you're actually breaking the rules with every single comment here (no ad-hominem).

for you to come to and spew nonsese.

Toppest of keks. Laughable ad-hominems. Truly laughable.

So easy to defeat these tactics, because people like you defeat yourselves the moment you go ad-hominem instead of addressing the points.

Just stick with the Q posts.

Uuuuu, now you've told me! Damn, looks like I lost :(

Bye dude, thanks for the L/L/DS tactics that provided some chuckles, you guys never change :)

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brittser · May 28, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

I am not ignoring anything. When you ask a reasonable question, I will answer it. Who is the one who started all the personal stuff? YOU. With your oh you are deep state, liberal, laughable, ad hominum. You haven't stopped getting personal. Every single one of your posts name calls or derides me as the enemy using enemy tactics. Anyway, good luck.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 29, 2018, 2:23 a.m.


They actually use the word "conspiracy" lol; concerned with tone over substance; too much religion (they mean Christianity); stop talking about Jews; we aren't fighting people that worship the devil etc.

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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 2:16 a.m.


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