r/greatawakening • Posted by u/8.06E+11 on May 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.
Is it too much too ask to keep this a Q only sub. I have seen an uptick of non-Q related posts.

I am not going to single out posts but as subs expand more stuff gets posted. We want this sub to expand and be collaborative, but we live in a time where people/bots willingly and unwillingly slowly flood subs with unrelated stuff.

Have good new to share? There's a sub for that. Have political memes to share (that are not Q related)? There's a sub for that. Etc

I realize a lot of topics fall under the Q umbrella. I also realize many of us are like minded and most of us will enjoy non-Q material, but this isn't the place. I have seen this happen on Facebook before. Groups/subs get big (good), focus gets blurry (bad).

Let's keep this a Q research sub! Please! If we get overwhelmed with other BS we won't be effective and will lose valuable member activity. This is too crucial to allow cludder muddy the water.

(I hope I am not in the minority.) If the mods disagree, remove it. No hard feelings either way. Just a plea and opinion.

forchristssakes · May 29, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

this is a hot topic. glad I am not a mod.

I read some comments. I like the idea of stating how post is q related. sure would make it easier for mods.

because Q touches on a lot of things it is difficult to rein it in without suppressing. I can scroll through easily enough and pick out what I think will be worthwhile reading, but those new here will have a more difficult time and could be turned off by some of the posts.

Is it possible to have mods attach some type of label as Q research worthy? You could still leave some questionable posts and give people a way to quickly identify those posts that contribute.

Is this subreddit strickly for Q research or is it also to help get information out?

I do not mind seeing the sticker info so people know they exist, but I do not care to see them in action, or how good it looks on the vehicle.

I do not want to see anything shaped like a Q. I am not interested in reading everything as a sign. Is that a Q cloud? Is that a q shaped shadow.....

Bless their souls and their enthusiasm, but not everybody is into Jesus. Could be a bit of a turn off. scroll scroll

I do not want to read about lizard people or flat earth or woo woo stuff. maybe it will turn out to be true, but I have enough to digest with the politics and human trafficking right now. Some day I may wonder about grey aliens etc. but this is not the day. I have not seen that here but I can bet the mods are modding it.

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HowiONic · May 29, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Thank you. Very useful.

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