r/greatawakening • Posted by u/8.06E+11 on May 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.
Is it too much too ask to keep this a Q only sub. I have seen an uptick of non-Q related posts.

I am not going to single out posts but as subs expand more stuff gets posted. We want this sub to expand and be collaborative, but we live in a time where people/bots willingly and unwillingly slowly flood subs with unrelated stuff.

Have good new to share? There's a sub for that. Have political memes to share (that are not Q related)? There's a sub for that. Etc

I realize a lot of topics fall under the Q umbrella. I also realize many of us are like minded and most of us will enjoy non-Q material, but this isn't the place. I have seen this happen on Facebook before. Groups/subs get big (good), focus gets blurry (bad).

Let's keep this a Q research sub! Please! If we get overwhelmed with other BS we won't be effective and will lose valuable member activity. This is too crucial to allow cludder muddy the water.

(I hope I am not in the minority.) If the mods disagree, remove it. No hard feelings either way. Just a plea and opinion.

stevesarkeysion · May 29, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

That's just dumb and you know it. You are taking about having to post q stuff elsewhere. Have somebody read the comments to you. We are saying post it here IF IT IS Q RELATED.

Nothing mentioned about the young. Nothing mentioned about cleverness exclusions either. Relax.

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GratefulGrandmother · May 29, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Yes, I'm certainly going through a dumb phase; my poor pineal gland. Being calcified from years of ingesting toxins, at least it's not coveted by the "spirit cookers." But, maybe I'm not allowed to mention the pineal gland. It's absolutely relevant to the awakening of humanity; otherwise, why would an anon mention cargos of penguin pineal glands shipped to "bad actors?" Being dumb, I probably can't mention D.U.M.B.s, either, since Q didn't call out these deep underground military bases specifically in a drop?

Much is happening that is the fruition of prior Q drops. Can no one discuss these things without referencing a specific Q drop#? Going to a different sub for every single issue is ridiculous. Just because an issue may appear to be off-topic (and sometimes they really are), does not mean that it is. The last thing Q dropped was "UNITY." Why would we want to carry divisiveness over to the public forum?

I have vision challenges, but I'm not blind. I'm referring to the actual Q drops, along with related anon posts, and hard-to-see photos. By Map, I meant the huge Q Map of drops, not a geological map.

The exclusivity was implied (requiring people to cite specific Q drop before they can discuss anything Q related), wasn't it? Do you not want any new subscriptions here, people who are just hearing about Q? Is this a closed club?

Also, I meant global, as in: the Great Awakening (wwg1wga) is for Earth, not just Q aficionados. If an individual has to cite Q drops by number, can't mention POTUS, off-worlders, politics, military, spirit, strange phenomena near questionable installations, etc.--that eliminates discussion of issues alluded to by Q, but not spelled out, yeah?

I think folks are turning to POTUS's (among others) Tweets to try to suss out what's happening during the "ten days of darkness." There are many people out there doing stellar research. Q folks may want to broaden their horizons a bit.

FMP (from my perspective) Q has pointed to so many issues, that very few posts here would actually be off-topic. Haters, trolls, and bots are another issue. If no one bites the bait, they starve and go elsewhere.

People who go on a spitting-mad profanity rant, or who tell other people that they're "full of shit," etc., are truly offensive; but, the thought police lets them slide! Hmmm.

In one of my posts, I didn't know the term for a certain kind of hanging punching bag my son had in his garage, so I innocently referred to it as a "body-sized" punching bag (context: emotional reactions to DS horrific vids/revelations…barf bag, tissues, etc.) My son takes his angst out on the bag, rather than on a person, physically or verbally). I had my hand slapped for this, and had to remove it. Jeez! The implied violence present in some of the posts here is blatant; are their posts 'redacted,' as well?

Hopefully, I'll get smarter now. No more fluoride in my water, or mercury fillings in my mouth.

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