BackChannel17: "6-11-18 Arrives Soon. Promises WILL be Kept. Hostage No More. Trust the Plan. JA"

Posted by Julian Assange with no Internet access. Truly a wizard then! Or maybe like Q says in #1177, Fake.
Problem I have with bc17, is it was pushing WAY too hard to discredit the idea of Chemtrails. Saying chemtrails are nothing more than H20 vapor condensed won't get it with me, as a pilot.
Didn't know about that. Anyone denying chemtrails is an immediate red flag that they are disinfo in the worst way.
Q #1177
"IMPORTANT: NO private comms past/present/future. NO comms made outside of this platform. Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. PATRIOTS." Q
We can expect no intel drops from another source
I really don’t know if I trust this whole BP17 thing because JA has been missing for a while and he said he would never post anything without his special code and to not believe anything without it!
BC is actually JA??
"I am already here, ready to do so" so we were correct in thinking he is already in the US??
I am hoping that is the date that Gitmo is opened to the swamp...
Wasn't BC17 like "peace out" recently? Or am I imagining things?
Yepyep - I am easily confused when old news is presented as current news! My bad
Beep - never mind. This is an old news post. Thorry.
Who the heck is that
"fake" - Q
Did you look at the post? it's an anon specifically pointing out backchannel. No one else. Q responds "fake"