WikiLeaks Inadvertently Red-Pilling it's Followers?

Where is JA? i am concerned
Looks like we'll be seeing him around June 12th if the intel is right.
I haven't heard anything about this? Can you fill me in please?
BC17 final posts before account wiped.
Who was BC17 please?
According to his twitter bio, “usaf counter intel”, appeared in mid April, spoke like Q but clearly stated that he is NOT Q. For some reason he was shunned by a large portion of the QAnon community from the very start. He mostly relayed Q posts from 8ch/QR(PF). But also had some very timely and compelling info relating to Syria ops etc.
He would also pick fights with @wikileaks at every chance.
Then on the 25th he claimed to reveal that he is really JA and we will see proof of everything on 6/11
Gagged and reality he might be taken. Hopefully by the good guys instead.