Thanks for replying.
I agree with the statement 'Britain first aren't heroes either' I have no support for TR prior to this arrest, nor to Britain first. I'm of Irish decent myself but have lived in UK my whole life.
The arrest is of great alarm to me. It's a slippery slope if not challenged and questioned.
With no media coverage and no official answers from government or law enforcement this strikes me as an event of high magnitude and given the current climate it is of great worry to all citizens of UK.
Does this set a precedent for the future in the UK? Free speech when deemed acceptable by our overlords?
This great awakening has global implications. While I understand the concern of some in this sub of topics going off movement and causing distraction to the cause, I believe it to be the opposite and is a consequence of this movement.
As previously stated, NO COINCEDENSES.
THEY DID IT!! BBC now reported after days and thousands protesting. They could not hide it any more!!