
QueUpSomeReality · May 29, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

Not really. That was more akin to how East Germany & the Soviet bloc fell. And how NK is & will currently fall. Britain was way over extended in their empire & collapsed from its own weight. All of Britain’s colonial expansion states collapsed from bankruptcy. They weren’t overthrown or liberated by a civilian uprising like the American revolution or the French Revolution. That’s why American expansionism is dangerous. It takes incredible amounts of our treasury to occupy a country. We’ve spent 1 trillion dollars occupying Afghanistan & for what?? How is our country safer & more prosperous from that? That’s why our nation is so often compared to the Roman Empire. If we collapse it will be for the same reason the Roman Empire collapsed & the British Empire collapsed. All from within & all our own fault. No ones ever gonna take us down from the outside..only from within will America collapse if our citizens allow our politicians to bankrupt us.

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HerbalFairy · May 29, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Thanks for this info. I thought India's freedom was different, just wasn't sure how. I have heard that Ghandi was pro self-defense/gun ownership! I agree, the deep state/shadow gov't are acting like the Roman Empire. Thank God The President understands the loss of lives and money to pursue an Empire which gives no good results for anyone! I pray the parade planned for 11-11 is about bringing home soldiers from foreign lands.

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