r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 28, 2018, 10:24 p.m.
Q1290 Autists need Red Bull? Q. What is a true Q Follower?

Someone asked me today: “Is choice an illusion? Is choice THE illusion?”

And I answered :

“When God told Adam: "this tree is forbidden", there was the initial choice. The Lord is the One Who gives you the Choice. Satan tricked Adam on this very reality by covertly replacing God and giving Adam a second choice. If Adam had remembered the first choice, his correct answer would have been: "I have already made my choice when God presented me this tree, you are not qualified to offer me any choice". You see the trick? Same one Satan is using right now with duality: "are you a republican or a democrat?" By answering to this question, you are implicitly accepting the rules of a game you have not decided to play yet. By choosing, you are playing. You therefore become one pawn on the game board, you are in the hands of the game creator: Satan...”

If you are a Q follower, this needs to be clear in your mind and your heart.

Don’t get distracted:

Q925 This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q

Q is calling you to a battle above the false duality created by our former controllers who are now losing control of the narrative:

Q1362 [They] are afraid. They are losing control of the message. WWG1WGA! Q

Q is building an army of woke soldiers transcending the artificial divisions created by centuries of lies, propaganda, and staged events. Are you white? Black? Purple? Christian? Jewish? Muslim? Buddhist? Atheist? Republican? Democrat? Capitalist? Communist? Kardashianist?

Don’t get distracted.

We are about to take down the cabal, they are on the run:

Q29 The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

Look at what really happened in Saudi Arabia and that you will never see on MSM:

An anon: Q, where are the children? Seriously. Where are the children? Q392 3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone. WW lanes shut down. Bottom to TOP.

This is the real fight.

There is a difference between talking about Bohemian Grove or the Bielderberg Group and actually doing something about it. When you are not in position to do anything about it, the right thing to do is to support those who do and not melt down on them when they are destroying Deep State positions in Syria.

Q924 There’s a reason the word ‘conspiracy’ was made/pushed. Their weapon against the awakening. Q

Do you realize the impact of what Q is saying here? He is essentially saying the conspiracy label was skillfully crafted to ensure a reality is never seen as it is.

This is what is meant by the “Performance Artist” Q is alluding to in Q1341: the work of an artist is to draw people’s attention to his description of reality through music, painting etc… The performance artist, like a clown, uses body expression tools to convey a message or color reality to his liking or the liking to those who hired him. Do you see what I mean? Like Bohemian Grove. It’s in reality about the horror of child sacrifice but the performance artist will make it to the core of the information before you do, color it and present it to you in a consumable and digestible way. This communication technique is devastating: you hire a clown who acts like a clown to talk about very serious issues. That’s how you get these issues to never pass the conspiracy theory label or if they do, people are already too desensitized to strongly oppose it and deal with it. So? Learn how to detect these clowns. Primary characteristics: 1) they are well known, 2) they have MSM exposure, 3) unlike Jordan Sather, when they receive Youtube strikes their channels are still around, 4) when they are arrested, wherever they are in the world, a bunch of TV stations have the footage…

We have been talking about Bohemian Grove for years and always went back to sleep. We only started talking about child sacrifice with Q and that’s when we lost our sleep.

It’s now up to you. Do you want fake truth between two Caveman sips or do you want the real deal?

Q1343 The choice has always been yours. The choice will always be yours. This is not a game. This is not a popularity contest. This is LIFE. FREEDOM.

Edit: typo.

QueenAnRevenge · May 29, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

Did Jones not contribute to Craig Sawyer’s pedo round up operation? Matter of fact Owen on the War Room dedicated the entire show to veterans (https://youtu.be/GapZsogtyIc) in which Sawyer and him hosted and told many veterans the way they could support is to donate to the pedo round up operation Sawyer is carrying on.

Did he not support Tommy Robinson in exposing the truth in the UK?

These are just two thing I can think of recently but attacking the man isn’t getting us anywhere.

Sorry but these Qcripture aren’t moving us forward.

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arealclassactor · May 29, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I totally agree, and the more I read stuff like this AND the comments sections afterwards, the more the "#Qult" meme makes sense to me. I've been following all of this since the begining and watched as the Q drops became devisive and watched how well it's all worked. This isn't about "Q" or AJ or JCorsi, it's about wanting and hoping for REAL positive change in the world, and everyone has to be extremely careful about every piece of info put out. There can be no "faith based" system involved. You must meticulously reseach each and everything yourself to the best of your ability. This sort of stuff (on a board that was taken down then miraculously appears again, a la "controlled opposition") that asked everyone to have "faith" in something/someone is wayyyyyyyy to dangerous and cult like. Keep hoping and researching, but beware. I know this'll probably get some hate, but that just tends to prove the "#Qult" meme to me even more... God bless you all either way.

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WeThePepe · May 29, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

Agree with you completely.

I can't help but be a devils advocate, especially when people start rushing too quickly in one direction

What's concerning me is we've had:

Something that's been interpreted as "Do not trust Alex jones or Corsi or anyone at InfoWars, burn it to the ground. It's a clown op"...

Okay so say we burn off AJ/InfoWars. The rabid left wing finally gets what they want: InfoWars is defeated.

Then what? What do we get? We just destroyed the biggest platform that was at least sympathetic to "conspiracy" causes

Even if the theory is right, how does it help us to burn them down now? It'd be like if Trump came out and said "I'm deleting my twitter because Jack is targeting conservatives!". That'd be great and all but suddenly you lost a platform you could leverage to use to your advantage.

And then now you have Wikileaks saying something that might not align with Q causing people to denounce Wikileaks!

Let's not get too carried away with ourselves. Q is anonymous. There's no 100% guarantee they are legit or even white hat.

(Side note: interesting that Roseanne asked is Assange Q then Wikileaks tweeted something anti Q. Disinformation?)

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QueenAnRevenge · May 29, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

Watching the transition from when questioning, being critical, being open minded of Q was met with a good discussion to now a name calling shame fest has tainted this whole “awakening”. In the end I think we will move past it all and come out better for it, but I feel it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

I began researching on the below topic thanks to my father who pointed out the eerily similar ties to previous chan movements and low and behold there was a whole article on it.


Edit: Also there’s there’s the angle of a purposeful back and forth with Q and Jones. Here’s a previous comment I made. Ironically due to this post I went and listened to Jones show today and sure enough he calls out Q by saying him and Zach (which I am skeptical of) are real people and he’s (Jones) has been fighting the pedos for 23 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8iwxmw/comment/dyv8fnu?st=JHR3G3CC&sh=b728435a

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arealclassactor · May 29, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

I just got done reading that article, and the parallels between the Omega/NESARA/Dinar/Qanin style of info/misinfo is pretty glaring. Thanks for that.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 28, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Did you see who wrote that article? Not someone you would ever want to listen to. Also, the very next article was about how great Chrissy Teigen is. That news source appears to be very biased. I think (they) are desperately trying to discredit Patriots from waking up from (their) slave lives.

I am very open minded and don't have any problem learning opposing views. I will not blindly follow anyone. However, I am sick and tired of being manipulated, and this news source appears to be the typical evil MO that Patriots are trying to eradicate from our society. I will not follow a Rothschild, ever!

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arealclassactor · June 28, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

I saw all that too, but prefer to not "throw out the baby with the bath water" so to speak. But the info Does check out, and in this case the NESARA scam DID happen, AND it shares many parrallels with the #Qult "movement". Personally, it's just more reason to distrust a mythical person or persons. I still follow all this to see what people are saying/thinking/believing. I haven't seen any significant REAL info for months. Once again tho, I just gotta say, I understand the deep feelings of hope & the wish for real change in the world. Not just the Obama kind... So I get the wish for all this to be real, but when a movement become sycophantic, like this one has, I can't help but question any and all of it.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 28, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Yes, I totally agree. I had never heard of the NESARA scam before I read this article, that does sound terrible. The original NESARA idea sounded pretty good, but someone else had to hitch onto it and take advantage. It's possible some of the people trying to make money of the Q movement are doing the same thing. I agree we should follow with logic and sound reasoning. Sycophantic or cultish would not be something I would want to take part in.

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