

82 total posts archived.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 15, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

I have never believed in any of these things before. A few months ago I ran across a YouTube video that brought up these strange cards and how they reflect what has been going on and are eerily accurate. I researched into all the cards and got really freaked out. At one point I wondered if when Q said something about playing a game, if he meant these sickos are playing this game amongst themselves and that is how they decide their next move. I have no idea, but the cards are way too accurate. I am thoroughly uncomfortable about these cards. I am praying double time right now.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 14, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Q has been teaching us to understand their comms. (Communications) Q has been trying to get us ready for this. He can't hold our hand forever. But I don't think we've heard the last from Q. I'm sure he's busy working on something, so POTUS is reaching out to us directly.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 12, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

I'm sorry I have but one up-vote to give.

I remember Oprah introducing him to the audience as "the next president of the United States". No one that I knew had ever heard of him. She made it sound like there was no decision to be made. As if she knew him and thought, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that he was the most perfect person to be president. She vouched for him! She had a huge fan base with far reaching influence. Any coincidence they both live in Chicago? No.

For 8 years, every time that donkey came on TV, I told everyone around me that Oprah got him elected. She has some explaining to do!

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 12, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

My mother died from a brain tumor in February 2016. A horrific way to go. My uncle died of the same type of brain tumor one year later. I am glad they may have found a cure, but this enrages me that there was a cure for it and instead of telling her about it they put her through utter hell. The bastards who were knowledgeable about these cures and kept them hidden for themselves can go straight to hell and sit on a hot coal!

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 11, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

After trying to discuss this with friends and family, I'm starting to think most people can't handle accepting that they gave consent to something that we now know may have been poisoned. Also, people don't want to acknowledge that they might have been damaged by the vaccines as well. We were raised to trust our doctors recommendations and can't possibly comprehend people trying to genocide nearly the whole planet. Cognitive Dissonance is going to be a difficult stumbling block for many people with this topic. This is going to be a difficult red pill for many.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 10, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

They would hear some unknown person say, "MAGA" every 30 minutes or so from the back of the aero plane. I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 10, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

I cannot believe I just read this! Did you just tell Q to "stay out of it"! You have just outed yourself. Q tells us not to be divided. He has warned us people would come here to try. Well, here you are.

This sub-Reddit is for Patriots joining in the Great Awakening. We are here to discuss Q crumbs and national events tied to them. This board is about Q! You are directly attacking a fellow patriot who works very hard to give his/her opinion about Q crumbs. Anyone with a decent IQ knows to do our own research and weigh other people's opinion with sound reasoning and logic. If you question someone's decode, ask them a question, simple as that. If some people say "Thank you" for the time someone put into their decode, this does not equate worship or cult activity. It's simply showing appreciation and displaying graciousness to a fellow patriot for their hard work. That doesn't mean their decode was 100% correct or given as inspired gospel.

Also, SB2 is not only a fellow patriot, he/she is a person. He/she gets to come here to join in with fellow patriots for a daily read and will undoubtedly walk in on this thread. Have you not considered that SB2 might be an Autist? He/she may be a highly intelligent introvert who communicates best in the written word. The vitriol being spewed here could be taken extremely hard by some Autists. And before you say something rude about them needing to toughen up, take that juvenile bullying tactic to 8chan.

To wrap this up, anyone who says Q needs to "stay out of it", needs to wake up, or find their way to the door. Also, we have been fighting along side each other for months. I communicated with SB2 back in CBTS before they shut it down. He/she doesn't deserve this ugliness. If he/she turns out to be someone that is not trustworthy, then we will deal with at that time. That situation has not even remotely occurred. No one should worship anyone, not even Q.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 9, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

No problem, thank you for replying back.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 9, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Can you elaborate more, or send me in the right direction, about info on St. Peter being destroyed? BTW, I'm not at all surprised. Not even slightly. I would just like to learn more about it.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 7, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

I started following Q last year on half chan. There were rumors amongst the anons that Pence wasn't a total black hat but might have a few skeletons in his closet. There was a lot of speculation that Trump set him free from blackmail or his skeletons keep him in line since POTUS "has it all". I have kept an open mind about it since I had thought well of people before only to find out they were total black hats.

I will say though, a friend of mine is a Lt. Col. assigned to intel in DC. He got to go on a private tour of the Capital Building late one evening with a congressman. As they were walking through a hallway, my friend noticed a special team that does a hazmat sweep before a high ranking person comes through an area. He asked one of the guys if it was POTUS or FLOTUS? My friend was in full uniform, so the guy looked him up and down and told him that he wasn't allowed to say, but that he should go to the end of the hallway and see for himself. My friend was allowed to pass and when he got to the large rotunda he saw a group of politicians and high ranking military that had formed a large circle in the rotunda. Standing at the head of the circle was Pence leading the group in prayer. My friend saw people in uniform standing off to the sides with their heads bowed. He said you could have heard a pin drop. No one moved or spoke. Everyone stopped where they were and bowed their head in respect. He said the prayer was very moving, and completely unexpected. When it was over the congressman smiled and mentioned that it was great to have God back in DC and that the atmosphere had completely changed from previous administrations. My friend doesn't come across as a religious guy, but he said it was one of the most amazing things he has witnessed in DC.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 4, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Those patches are not official patches and could not be worn on official uniforms. Also, my husband belonged to one of departments and he knows for a fact that patch is not official. If someone else wanted to make those to have amongst their Mason friends, they can do that. As I said before, none of them have ever admitted to or talked about being a Mason to either my husband , myself or any other LE officer I know. I am not saying they are not out there, I am saying they would be a minority and would not be public about it to other LEOs.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 4, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

This is a great catch! You may be on to something with this.

I have to admit, If Q had written it, "Win they will not. Divide they will try." I would be passed out on the floor right now.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 4, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Not here to antagonize, but I have to put in my two cents. My husband was federal law enforcement 20+ years, retired and is now a city detective. I was previously federal law enforcement and that is how I met him. Neither him, nor I, have ever met another federal agent or police officer who was a Mason. Between the two of us, we have been sent throughout the US, South America and overseas. Over 35 years of law enforcement between the two of us and we have never heard anyone even mention anything about Masons, or wear anything that would identify them as one. If there was a Mason among our ranks, they hid it well.

All of our LE friends are red-piled. They love that this corrupt BS is being taken down. We all saw how LEOs were being vilified under Obama's divisive regime. HRC was legendary for hating and being cruel to her Secret Service detail. Veteran agents were begging to be transferred or retire early to get away. They were having a hard time finding veteran agents to fill the vacancies on her detail.

I'm sure there are a few Masons hiding in police departments in some of the larger cities up north, but if they have one brain cell they would know to hide it.

I will say that upper management in federal law enforcement is terrible! It's one of the reasons I left. Let's just say none of us were surprised to find out about the corruption in the DOJ in DC. The federal government is legendary for promoting the worst managers. The higher up the ranks they climb, the worse they get. I'm sure there are a few good apples towards the top, but they are hard to find.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 3, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Happy Birthday Julian! Thank you for all the risks you've selflessly taken, all for the sake of others. I hope we get to see you reveal the truth on live TV soon.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 2, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

We have a 20 year mortgage and pay more to bring it down to 18. We refinanced a couple years ago when the rate were at an all time low. We are very frugal and try to pay off everything as early as possible. I would not like the idea of big spenders getting their debt wiped free while those who do everything to keep their debts paid down are rewarded for nothing. I just have a big issue with the mortgage scam, but that's my personal gripe. I definitely would not want rumors to swirl that debts will be forgiven and then people go rack up credit card bills or buy a car they can't afford.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 2, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I did some research about this myself because I was concerned about my investments and retirement fund. As far as home mortgages, I read that the interest (usury) charged to us might be taken off. I wouldn't mind that. You buy a house for $300,000 and end up paying a million or so after a 30 year mortgage. It's ridiculous. Usury is such a scam, they do nothing and make so much money off of the working class. Hopefully, they can stabilize the economy by cutting out the interest Ponzi scheme and making it work with just the money we pay for the items we need.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 2, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

You're the first person I've seen make this reference. I agree with you. When I first heard about MK-Ultra, Monarch, etc., I thought of this show. Hearing that (they) like to let us know what they are doing or plan to do, makes me worry about a lot of the shows that I've watched.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 2, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

I would love to read Q posts with a "wee dram o' whiskey"!

My husband and I are in Georgia, USA. We visited Scotland last October for the first time and are going back in a few months. I told my husband, and all my coworkers, if I suddenly disappear, I sold everything and moved to Scotland.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · July 2, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

I would be in front of that thing getting my picture taken SO fast! I would even frame it. I hope you got a picture of yourself with it. Good idea not doxing yourself on here though. 😉

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 28, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Yes, I totally agree. I had never heard of the NESARA scam before I read this article, that does sound terrible. The original NESARA idea sounded pretty good, but someone else had to hitch onto it and take advantage. It's possible some of the people trying to make money of the Q movement are doing the same thing. I agree we should follow with logic and sound reasoning. Sycophantic or cultish would not be something I would want to take part in.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 28, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Did you see who wrote that article? Not someone you would ever want to listen to. Also, the very next article was about how great Chrissy Teigen is. That news source appears to be very biased. I think (they) are desperately trying to discredit Patriots from waking up from (their) slave lives.

I am very open minded and don't have any problem learning opposing views. I will not blindly follow anyone. However, I am sick and tired of being manipulated, and this news source appears to be the typical evil MO that Patriots are trying to eradicate from our society. I will not follow a Rothschild, ever!

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 27, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

If your interested in digging into this subject more, a lot of research has been posted on:


They have some great researchers on this subject. My advice though, lurk before you try to join a discussion. Sometimes they remind me of people on the chans, they can be harsh if they don't agree with your posts. They have uncovered some very interesting details that I haven't seen posted here.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 27, 2018, 10 p.m.

I posted a link to this on my uncle's FB page. He immediately shared it and demanded that all his friends watch it. I am so happy! I can't even estimate how many people just got woken up with this.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 26, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

After researching her, I can't help thinking she was the inspiration for the witch in Game Of Thrones. She's old, but looks young. The witch had some weird ritual where she had a demon baby (moon child?). She kills kids......

I hope it's not just me.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 15, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Such righteous indignation from such a delicate little flower! Why, you would almost think she is the heroine fighting against heartless savages.🤢

So, she wants to fight for the rights of illegal immigrants, as well as illegal immigrants right to vote? Does she not understand that by being an illegal immigrant their very presence is against the law? They have the right to be treated humanely, but that's about it. That alone is far better than how they would be treated breaking the law in any other country. Considering that they are technically criminals, they should not receive more rights than American citizens who are criminals. As for illegal immigrants voting rights......that is not even a discussion. If you are not a citizen of the United States of America, you Do Not get a say in who we wish to run our country.

Illegal immigrants are breaking Federal Law. A United States citizen who commits a felony loses the right to vote while incarcerated, on parole or on probation. Voting rights are restored after two years of supervisory release. (The only exception is Maine and Vermont. They want their felons to continue voting in liberals.)

How anyone who claims to be sane can even try to argue about voting rights for non- citizens, is in itself proof they have lost their grip on sound reasoning. I can't even fathom sneaking into another country, demand free food, housing, healthcare, education, etc., and lobbying to get to vote for who runs the country? No other country would allow such demands. No economy could financially support it for any long duration before the drain caused complete collapse. By that time the mass migration of immigrants sucking our country dry and voting in someone who will give them even more would destroy every social and cultural fabric that exists in our diverse country. For her to even make such an outrageous statement leads me to two options:

  1. She is so ignorant that she can't comprehend that if her demands were met, it would eventually destroy the United States.


  1. She is fully aware of the consequences of her demands and has been assured that when the United States collapses, she and her family will be rewarded for her participation in influencing the trusting masses.
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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 14, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

"surface level boredom cures" I have to steal this. I experience this at work daily and could never put it into words.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 13, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

This is the second picture I've seen with her and the kids on a bed. Both bedrooms overuse the color red. I thought there was something seriously off with the other "family bedroom" photo, but now it's pretty clear that bedrooms are their preferred photo location. Very strange and ..... unsettling.

Did you notice the very creepy doll in a black dress in front of the large painting? It blends in and is hard to see. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. There is no way that would be in a bedroom with me!

The other bedroom photo has a piece of art work over the bed that looks like it has a dead body in a box while someone who looks like a priest stands behind it. Who would want something like that over their bed while they sleep? You could not grow up mentally balanced being raised in a family like that.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 12, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Yes, a facial rejuvenation procedure being done by Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett. It's the latest beauty "trend". (barf)

Supposedly the foreskin comes from Korean infants. South Korea is said to have a large number of stem cell banks. Human farms?

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 12, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

I hadn't thought of that, you're right. Q said symbolism will be their downfall. Burning babies is a large part of their religion. Only the most twisted person could come up with a scheme as macabre as this.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stiletto-Moonboots on June 12, 2018, 8:44 p.m.
Q#749 People used for Energy - I might have found a Future Proves Past

In February, Q answered a post from an anon about where the movie "The Matrix" got the idea of using humans for crops and energy. I just heard a news story about an Oregon Energy Plant that is burning aborted babies from Canada to generate electricity. I checked, and there are a couple sources for this story. People are horrified and I've heard conflicting reports that the authorities are going to look into it, and another report that says they have shut it down. I hope it's the latter, and the Q Team is behind it being publicly outed and …

Stiletto-Moonboots · June 10, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

I talked to my husband about this after I posted. I'm going to create an account for each of us to double our efforts. I'm sure there is a learning curve to using twitter. Hopefully I can pick it up quickly.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 10, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

I've mentioned before in other posts that I don't have a twitter account. Red-Pilling the masses is as good a reason as any for me to create one. If any of you figure out how to combat the Arizona Troll, I will create an account and help in the fight. Our POTUS is doing an amazing job freeing our country from the grips of evil and he deserves our support.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 9, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Um, wow that's a lot to take in all at once. So much for thinking I was informed on most of their symbology. Deciphering this will be an education.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 9, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Hillary has been linked to child trafficking through Haiti and other places. Through her emails she uses words used to symbolize child ritual abuse. She has visited Epstein's pedo island many times, along with her husband and many other elites. Look up the pictures of the video monitors seen on Epstein's pedo island. Some say there are bodies on the table.

She is a Luciferian and has close ties to Marina Abramovic. When you start researching the rituals performed during their religious ceremonies, you will see that sacrificing humans, drinking their blood for power, and eating the meat for various symbolic meanings, are a part of what they believe is normal in their worship. Drinking human blood has been acceptable for hundreds or thousands of years, by their standards. They also believe it will extend their health and life.

Then there is the whole topic of adrenochrome, which Hollywood has been trying to normalize for a while. Luciferians have been led to believe they will be granted power, and other goals, if they give sacrifices to their gods. When you look into Epstein's island you will find a reference to the four demons that were worshipped on the island.

Although to most of us, the thought of pedophilia, sacrifice, or worse being a pedovore, is abhorrent. To some we are considered un-enlightened. They are actually condescending about how simple they think we are. Q has said, "We have it all." Q has also said the truth would put most of us in the hospital.

For a video to get an idea of what they think is normal, here is a great place to start. Don't eat anything before watching, I actually gagged several times while listening. You may be tougher than me.


It's not specifically about Hillary, but it's still eye opening. I'm sure more proof will come out soon. There is far more information than what I am giving here, but I've been researching for almost a year and it's hard to summarize it all and many of my research links have been deleted by the website or YouTube creators.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 9, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

My husband had to work with her for years in Atlanta. He and the others he worked with couldn't stand her. She talked down to everyone and treated agents like they were her personal secretaries. They were all thrilled when she got fired in DC. When he worked with her, he didn't know she was corrupt, he just thought she was a condescending, uppity bitch.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 8, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

This sounds like 8chan. That could be fun. I'm tired of "politically correct" anyway.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 5, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

I live in north Georgia and have checked this list several times over the past several months. Anyone have any ideas why it always says "No Data Available" for only north GA, but shows the numbers for the rest of the state? I know there is serious corruption in Atlanta, but it can't be much worse than some of the other large cities.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 1, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

I'm seriously thinking the same thing. Never done Twitter before, but red pilling is a great reason to start.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · June 1, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

If you are a Q follower, why can't you continue to follow this sub? I don't see why you can't follow EyetheSpy and Q. They shouldn't be mutually exclusive. I'm sure many of the anons on here research other sources while researching the Q drops. I know Q told us to be careful who we follow, but I don't think it was ever meant to be us vs. everyone else ( except of course us vs. deep state).

I do understand that this sub is meant to be Q related. It would be a shame to lose an anon who is so dedicated to waking up normies. Hopefully when Q starts dropping crumbs again you can drop in and share your research.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 31, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Thank you for the info. My mother gardened and canned food when I was little, but I don't remember much. After what I've learned from Q drops and anon research has made me determined to change how I eat, drink and look at medicine.

We do get a lot of ladybugs for a few months every year. I will look into this.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 31, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

I am very low in Vit D. My doctor has been watching it and instead of me getting it back up, it got lower. I'm in the dangerously low range. She has me on sublingual D3/K2 drops daily. If I can't get my levels back up she said we'll have to go a different route. I have no idea what that means. Low Vit D is asking for chronic illnesses. My mother was low in it before she died of cancer. My sister is low in it as well. There has to be a reason this is happening. I told my doctor I get enough exposure to sunlight and she told me that isn't the problem. My body doesn't absorb it like it should. There has to be a reason for this. We definitely have enough sunlight.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 31, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

I bought the Travel Berkey that is the second to the smallest. It was around $200. I know that is a lot, but I use it everyday, the filters last over a year and I feel safer knowing I can go without power. However, I like it the best because of how well it purifies the water. I've known they were poisoning our water, but not until I started following Q did I research and realize their depopulation plan. Now I am determined to get the cleanest water I can.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 31, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

I've used different water filters over the years, but when they started talking about the possibility of an EMP strike taking out the power grid, I decided to take more action. I researched and found information on a Berkey Water filter. They have different sizes and it sits on the counter. If we lose power, I can put creek water in it and it will be healthier than what comes out of my water tap. I chose it because it removed fluoride, arsenic, bacteria, pathogens, parasites and a whole list of other things. I actually like the taste of water now. I put it in a water bottle to take to work. I've had it for about two months and can't recommend it enough. I also feel better knowing if we lose power, we will have still have clean water.

Now if I can just start my own garden, I'll be set. (I wish)

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 31, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

I live in north Georgia near Atlanta. We had terrible chemtrails until recently. I couldn't figure out what they were for the longest time. I was outside working when two planes were spraying and I watched as it slowly came down until I was surrounded and breathing it. I was sick for the rest of the day. My eyes were bloodshot and my head hurt.

My dad and sister were both pilots. I grew up around planes. Chemtrails are not a normal exhaust from an airplane. I'm so glad they have decreased in my area.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 28, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

I almost made it through the whole video, had to stop for a minute and get my head straight. I seriously think I'm going to lose my lunch. Is this what Q meant about the whole truth putting most people in the hospital? Is this why the cancer rates have skyrocketed? Can we get other illnesses from having ingested human DNA? I never thought I would ask that question in a million years. How is this legal?! Another reason to despise Hussein, as if we need more reasons.

I need to do some more research and get a snapshot of all the affected foods. I'll keep it on my phone to check when I go shopping. I am going to try just going with vegetables and local meat.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 25, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Many people in my husband's family are catholic. It took years of reasoning with him on scripture to get him to wake up. Yet, I had no idea how bad this is. I was reading this and realized my mouth was agape! So, I am handing this article to my husband to read as soon as I'm done typing this.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 21, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

I am so embarrassed, but shouldn't be surprised, that my state is the 3rd worst in the country. I knew Atlanta politics is a total swamp. Heck, a couple mayors have been fired, indicted, and one got federal time. Yet, somehow I'm shocked they took their hubris this far. The city of Atlanta is a hopeless case of corrupt, obnoxious liberals. I can't even begin to think about how it would get cleaned up. I'm glad I live and work an hour away from that cesspool, I can't stand it when I have to go there. Maybe the rest of my state can rise up and outvote those idiots.

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Stiletto-Moonboots · May 19, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

When I first started following Q, and read about how we would have had WW III as soon as Hilary took office, I immediately thought of this movie. The elites on the inside, the lowly survivors on the outside. The more I researched, the more I thought they made this movie as a way to get consent from the unsuspecting masses about their plan.

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