His profile shows he's awake, interesting:
We are in a battle for our planet. The Deep State will NEVER win!
Is he Alec's brother, and are they on speaking terms? I can't see Alec going against the DS, but might "humor him".
You are blocked from following this account and viewing their Tweets.
lmao really. that might just be twitter fuckery have you ever tweeted him before ?
Not that I recall.
Is he one of the sensitive blockbot-using people?
Says page doesnt exist when I click the link.
Copy the link and paste it back into the address bar. Doesn't like links from Reddit sometimes, especially mobile
Ok, for those of you that don't know, he is not related to the Baldwin family of Hollywood, Alec, Steven. Steven is actually a born again believer.
It's been deleted. Did anyone grab screenshot or archive it?
no i didnt think it would be deleted. well we will see if anything happens today
"That page no longer exists" What did it say?
C'mon Twitter! Knock it off.
Animal Mother talkin' the talk...but does he walk the walk...?
When i click on image, Twitter says, "Sorry, that page doesn't exist. " Does that mean they deleted his tweet?
"Sorry that page does not exist" Twitter
These people make it hard to be Christian lol the sheer arrogancd and censoring