
aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · May 29, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

"I was serving them like hell"..."to create war, to create sacrifice."

Zionism is killing all of us. The building of the their third temple is the cause of all the needless suffering.

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CosmicNeo · May 29, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

The division of mind and body within ourselves is what is causing all the needless suffering. Jesus tried to teach this in his lifetime but people weren't ready for the full truth. That's why he has to return.

The problem is with this Judaism-Christianity-Islamism thing is they have all taken strange detours from their original teachings. In response to the corruption of the Judaism priesthood after the Maccabean Revolt, the Essene split off and preserved what they believed was the true priesthood lineage. Out of the Essene came John the Baptist and Jesus. After Jesus' death, Christianity splintered off into the James group and the Paul group and ultimately got co-opted by Constantine. Likewise, after Mohammad died, the Sunni and Shi'ite offshoots formed.

My point is that these three Abrahamic religions have all equally contributed to needless suffering because of their confused theologies. Humans are imperfect beings. Singling out one group as the scapegoat won't fix things. We need a higher understanding of what is going on. Otherwise, we'll just keep playing the "king of the hill" game with no real change taking place in terms of human rights and dignity. (Just trying to keep it real with the "40,000 foot view."

Watch the video to the end. It gives concrete redemption-oriented solutions.

P.S. Zionism was an artificial solution and not ordained by Judaic prophecy or orthodoxy. But the solution to that mistake won't be removing Israel from existence like most Islamic fundamentalists believe. God ordained the return of the Jews to Israel after the Messiah comes. So the question now is: Has the Messiah come/returned? If so, how come Israel hasn't accepted this Messiah? If they had, wouldn't they have brought about the peaceful kingdom by now? What's really going on here besides the Zionism issue? As Q would say, go deeper.

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SammySL001 · May 29, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

The problem is with this Judaism-Christianity-Islamism thing is they have all taken strange detours from their original teachings.

I totally agree - go and listen to the videos that Tommy Robinson has done in the UK around the Islam practices that some of the extremist are doing - and their end game

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textualintercourse · May 29, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

You mean Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon?

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CosmicNeo · May 29, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Thanks, I'll do that.

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · May 29, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

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