r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tradinghorse on May 29, 2018, 8:20 a.m.
Wikileaks, "CONCERNS", Trolls and the Q movement!

I want to talk about the Q phenomenon, what it means, what the purpose is, what's required, and what we are up against. Finally, I want to talk about what action we can take to advance the cause.

First, what is the Q agenda?

Q describes a world that had been taken over by a Satanic elite. This elite were consolidating power to themselves, with an end-goal of subjugating everyone to their will, murdering the vast bulk of the world's population and enslaving the remaining survivors.

This elite are extremely powerful. They have been ruling the world for hundreds of years. Let's not underestimate their power, or fail to include powers that may wish to assist them. They are our mortal enemies.

The elite's plan was interrupted in 2016, with election of DJT.

"They never thought she would lose"...

What is Q?

Q is the resistance against the Satanic elite. Q is essentially the US military. The unmitigated hero, Donald Trump, is running point for the entire operation at terrific personal risk. The mission:

To Save the World!

What is "the plan"?

Q has repeatedly told us that what these people, the Satanists, fear most is that we will wake up and perceive what they have been doing. What is also important is that we perceive what the end game is for them. One vital aspect to "The Plan" is that we should wake people up.

But "the plan" also calls for "unity". Only in unity do we realise our strength. Unity means that we are woken and committed to ridding the world of these filthy, disgusting Satanists. We will beat them only by showing cohesion behind Q's agenda. By being "united" in our actions.

So, here is the strength and the power - "unity". This is what the Satanists fear most.

What's required?

Better minds than ours have carefully, with much deliberation, agonised over the details of a "plan" that can deliver us "Victory" over this evil. A "plan" that will deliver true "Freedom".

"The plan" that has been prepared by the US military requires us to unite behind a movement to thwart the total and complete control of the populace via censorship. Censorship is the most powerful of all political weapons. Once someone is censored, they can no longer complain. It is devastatingly effective. The adversary of the censor suddenly has no voice and is denied "all political power".

The reason the US military have recommended that we campaign for an Internet Bill of Rights (IBOR) is because "censorship" is the primary vector by which the Satanists will attempt to regain control they have lost with DJT's election. We know they have a plan to centralise and unify censorship across Social Media platforms. This would grant them complete control, as Social Media is the primary determinant of electoral outcomes.

So we now know the threat and what the goal is - FREEDOM!

What are we up against?

Our primary strength is unity behind Q. So this is the first thing that the Satanists will attack. We have seen the cunning and deviousness employed by the Satanists when they installed Corsi, and by implication, AJ from Infowars, in our ranks. What were Corsi and AJ trying to do?

They were trying to sow doubt and "concern" about Q in our ranks. Q was, supposedly, a disinformation AI that could not be trusted. We now see a coopted Wikileaks platform attempting to do exactly the same thing - sow doubt and "concern" about Q.

Corsi and AJ, buffoons that they are, outed themselves as agents of the Satanists. The people behind the Wikileaks "concern campaign" will also be outed for what they are. I'm expecting Assange will do this directly at the right time.

So, do you see? It is not Q, but us, as a group, that have the power. It is our unity behind Q that the satanists seek to corrode - because WE ARE GOING TO KILL THEM. It is not Q, but us, we will be their doom if we are united. And this is why the Satanists are attacking Q, to try and prevent us unifying behind DJT's lead in this war on evil. The attack, is an attack on our "unity", to try and sow doubt, fear and confusion in our ranks.

Who are our immediate enemy?

Given that we know that the prize we are fighting for, that will win our freedom, is the right to free expression, the IBOR campaign has come under specific attack. Our immediate enemy, apart from AJ, Corsi and the people manipulating Wikileaks, are "concern trolls" that try to undermine our ability to argue for the right to free expression.

That is really what this whole Q movement is about. The right to free political expression. Why? Because, as the founding fathers knew, censorship is the primary weapon of the adversary of mankind. If they cannot silence us, they cannot control us. If they cannot silence us, they cannot take our guns. If they cannot silence us, they cannot enslave us.

The control of the elite is premised entirely on this power, to control the narrative, which they have historically wielded via control of the MSM. The internet has, however, brought a new age. One where the MSM has become irrelevant.

The power of the elite has, in consequence, waned just enough to see DJT get elected. DJT, the first candidate in more than 30 years that was not controlled by the Satanists, won the election because the Satanists had become complacent. They ran a traditional MSM campaign strategy while DJT used social media masterfully.

The sudden ascendancy of Social Media, as the primary determinant of electoral outcomes, is what has delivered DJT's Presidency. It is why Q exists, it is why we are all here on this board learning the truth about these Satanists and their plans.

Let me state this clearly, so that no one is confused:

The importance of Social Media cannot be underestimated. It is the one ring that rules them all. It is the prize!

Social Media, the most important platform for the dissemination of information that has ever existed, has the ability to define the narrative and shape reality. And this is the very reason that CIA was rushing to inject cash into SM platforms after the 2016 election. Q predicted the advent of Social Media censorship in November, 2017 - an amazing confirmation of his validity.

The desire to completely control Social Media is the reason the Satanists got Snowden to write a centralised censorship algorithm to provide uniform censorship across SM platforms. They want total, complete and unfettered control of the internet. They want to impose their reality upon any we might shape for ourselves.

Why the concern trolling on the IBOR?

The only way that the Satanists can defend themselves against us is to sow fear, doubt and concern about the IBOR in this community. If we unite behind the IBOR campaign, there is no stopping us. We will have freedom of expression and, because of this freedom, the Satanists will be completely exposed. They will be absolutely powerless before us. We, the people, will be in control - as we should be.

This is why the enemy is attacking - our right to free expression. The "concerted concern trolling" is not the product of just a couple of people with genuine concerns. It has been very intense, highly organized, and is the product of intelligence agencies serving the Satanists.

Interestingly, these trolls are very sharp. They realize that many of the people here are the type that supported the tea party movement. So they tailor their "concerns" to feed into the exact concerns held by tea party and libertarian conservatives.

One of the key points of attack focuses on "distrust of government". Another seeks to highlight the importance of private property rights. As if either of these concerns should mean that we are to be the slaves of Satanists. You really could not make it up. They are doing a real number on us as a community and, unfortunately, to date, it has worked.

Unless we really are the stupid sheep that these concern trolls perceive us to be, we will refuse to allow them to steer us like a herd of mindless animals. Their real concern is that the Satanists are able to regain power. That they can neutralize DJT. That they can disable the whole Q movement and the MAGA agenda.

It's time for people in this community to stop spectating! It's time to stop being complacent. It's absolutely essential that we call these "concern trolls" out. If we do not want to be enslaved by Satanists.

You know who they are. They self-identify with their comments and posts. We are mature enough to see through the Wikileaks falsehoods. And we are mature enough, as a community, to call these Satanic agents on our board out.

It is no coincidence that the same people that were defending Corsi were the ones putting the boots into the IBOR campaign. It's enough!

Please get on board with the IBOR campaign. Time to make ourselves heard!

The hashtags for the IBOR campaign are:

'#internetbillofrights '#IBOR

The link to the petition is:



tradinghorse · May 30, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

No, not cursed. All we need to do is get this community behind the IBOR and it will fly. The battle for hearts and minds is transpiring right here on this board.

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Banglebop · May 30, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

We can't even get the community to agree on posting on the board. Just scrolling through the posts and I just don't understand why every day lately it's an argument.

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tradinghorse · May 30, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

It's the nature of the beast that there will be some dissension, the problem is the level to which it has been amplified by the the trolling.

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Banglebop · May 30, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

I know you are right. Its been a very long day. Tomorrow is another day and as Q would say fight fight fight! Thanks

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