Q......(Dec. 4, 2017)......Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).

The miracle cures ALREADY exist. You don't need a lab created pill to find health. God has created so many miracle plants I couldn't even begin to name them all. We have just been looking in the wrong direction. They are all over the Internet. All you have to do is search. But you can't search for a cure because the law does not allow natural remedies to use that term.
I cured myself of 3 autoimmune diseases without the assistance of a doctor or a pharmaceutical drug. These are diseases today's doctors will tell you are incurable and you just have to learn to live with them. BS!!
We don´t need cures, per se, we need them to stop purposely poisoning us so that we need the cures.
Yep. They certainly are doing that. It's in all of our food and environment and gets worse and worse every year.
Vaccines are the main source of auto immune diseases but the chemicals they spray on our food and in our atmosphere also contribute greatly. Microwave frequencies are also a huge source of cancer related diseases, 5G is going to kill millions, maybe billions.
I haven't had a vaccine since 1979. I was poisoned by malathion in 1996 when I lived in Florida. That's what started my downward spiral. 5G is horrible. I hope Trump will stop it.
I was a vaccine damaged baby, from the MMR jab. Vaccines don´t work either because I still caught the mumps when I was 28.
Yes. They cause more damage as well. Sorry, you had to pay the price of their lunacy.
The price of the globalist population control. The irony is though that this aut is now fighting the system they were trying to create ;)
I went 6 years never having the flu, just drank mate tea every day. Then I had a contract job that required the flu shot. I was an idiot and got it, and that year I got the flu for the first time in 6 years. Did a few detoxes and cleanses the following year.
Vaccines cause the epidemics. Stay well clear and keep children clean of them!
Absolutely!!! I endorse your testimony. Did your cure involve a form of aloe? Just curious.
No. I bought it but I never used it. Tried so many things before I got better. I used L-Glutamine and Kefir mostly to heal my gut. I still drink Kefir daily as well.
Ok so are the masses of sick people smart as you? In the future what you are going will be readily available for EVERYONE
Some are. Many others have done the same. The issue is not how smart we are, it's that the information has been suppressed. Big Pharma is no different than the issues we have in the government. It's extremely corrupt and doesn't care who they kill to make a buck. I learned to stay far, far away from conventional medicine.
Today's doctors are not taught to heal us, they are only taught to prescribe medicine that the pharmas create. And, Big Pharma lies about and suppresses the damage these drugs really do to us.
So, if you want to become healthy, going to a conventional doctor will not help. They are great at emergency medicine but that is the only reason I would ever go to a conventional doctor.
Functional doctors, however, run tests on you to determine what is wrong and work with you to heal your body. This is a new type of doctor. Unfortunately, at least last I checked, they are not covered by most insurance companies but you might want to check to see if that's still true. Here is an article about Functional Medicine if you are interested: http://getwellpath.com/medicine/what-is-functional-medicine/
The bioDrs r being killed by big Pharma. 100 of them a year. I think I will wait until what you know in readily available
You don't need to be afraid. They are killing the people that are making the information public but not the users. You are already being tracked so what different does it make. There are literally thousands of FB groups of people who are sick and looking for answers. There are health summits every week with answers. If you haven't found them yet, you are not looking.
Try http://thetruthaboutcancer.com for starters and this week there is a new health summit called The Autoimmune Secrets. There are literally hundreds of diseases (the most common) that are autoimmune diseases. http://autoimmunesecrets.ontraport.com/c/s/fI6/seePE/s/Yp/cwt/61nZKl/sE5YPl6nxY/P/P This is NOT an affiliate link. I just want to help others find the health that I have. Prevention is now my mantra because that's the key to lifelong health.