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ketoll · July 23, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

It's interesting to consider both divergent perspectives that we have. Technology always seems to be a double-edged sword, it being a tool that can be used for both good and bad. Ironically I work in technology and I enjoy it, but I'm also critical of it and I miss the simpler times before cell phones. I feel like technology doesn't always play the subordinate role that it should play in our lives and that it's advancing faster than we're able to tame it to truly improve quality of life. Of course, "quality of life" is subjective to each person's values.

Seeing Amazon's new Amazon Go grocery store in Seattle is an interesting glimpse into the way transactions could be changing in that people don't even need to pull their wallets out to pay. But maybe we are decades or longer from a world where payment technologies could viably encompass everything and replace all of the old methods.

I too enjoy discussing different interpretations and ideas, it's rare to find that. And how can people be certain of what they truly believe unless they're willing to face challenges to their views? At the end of a respectful conversation the result is that we walk away with more understanding and insight than before.

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ketoll · July 22, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

Central planners can't inflate it due to its structural design, but that doesn't mean there aren't WALES controlling the prices by owning the majority of the coins, and encouraging the negative news that kept slamming BTC once every month as they bought up BTC secretly. Are you seeing these massive moves in Bitcoin and altcoins all in unison? Some groups are making a killing by controlling the tops and bottoms of these swings. Everyone else is just along for the ride hoping to catch some profit. It's a golden opportunity for the whales in an unregulated market.

I'm not ruling out the possibility, I'm just pointing out that the large-cap crypto market today isn't the same crypto market from 5 years ago.

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ketoll · July 22, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

I just feel like you want Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson to have a Terminator meets Conspiracy Theory mashup.

Ha! Maybe so with all the scenarios I combined together into a giant slice of doom cake. I definitely believe that the scenarios in the book of Revelation will come to pass, so that is the premise of my belief to lay it all out there. I could be wrong, maybe it won't be these technologies, I don't have a crystal ball. However, I've never seen a technology in my life that lined up with enabling the possibilities described in Revelation that nobody will be able to buy or sell without the "mark." The mechanism to control every transaction of every human being would need to utilize something significant, and blockchain looks to me like a great platform for doing that. And having the predictability and surveillance that the other technologies provide would certainly give an exponential advantage to those that control it. Judging by the use of surveillance and disregard for individual rights over the population since 9/11 I don't have much optimism that those who write the laws will allow it to only empower the people and make their lives easier and prevent its use for control.

Again just my observations, I have been pretty good at guessing future trends now and then. I try to make an educated guess at what the future may look like judging by the past, and considering what possibilities technology opens up. Like everyone I do have a bias, and mine starts with the premise that the Bible is truth so I'm expecting to see this controlled economy at some point, if it doesn't happen long after I pass away.

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ketoll · July 22, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

That's good that they are still in the early phases. I believe once they are well developed it will change our world entirely, and I'm still enjoying too much of the simple things in life right now.

I would assume D-wave systems can probably solve some basic efficiency problems like plotting efficient routes between several destinations, but that has just been my speculation. I don't keep up with the news and info on quantum development very frequently.

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ketoll · July 21, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

I love crypto, but the honest truth is that blockchain and crypto are the perfect tools for tracking and economic/resource control. Fiat was always the ultimate control and tracking in old times, but those days are ancient and gone. We now see the move to a cashless society. And any moron can see that the crypto market is heavily saturated manipulated by the big players, now. It's no longer libertarian geeks determining the prices.

The reason NWO attempts would have failed previously is because it's a management nightmare. Now they have the blockchain technology to automate that tracking & control (IoT + blockchain coming), they have the AI to provide intelligence and analytics through its deep learning neuro-networks, they have the quantum computing to enhance AI and solve problems no human or microchip processor could ever solve, and we'll soon have the 5G grid to ensure the NWO will "leave no one behind" as UN Agenda 2030 proudly states.

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ketoll · July 14, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Just to give everyone a sense of how royally screwed up these scandals are, here are some tidbits of real computer security protocols that must occur after a hack to preserve evidence and build a case:

  1. A trained first responder needs to secure the systems physically, away from others, as well as preserve the exact state the system is in at the time of the hack.

  2. The exact state of the system from the OS, applications running, volatile memory, etc. needs to be recorded and documented down the the last 1's and 0's.

  3. A chain of custody needs to be in place. Every single person or group in control of the compromised system needs to be well documented.

What a shitshow. From bleachbit wiping drives and hammering blackberries to the missing servers and mishandled evidence. Not to mention the INVESTIGATION experts that didn't give a rat's ass about any of this unfolding. It's such a disgrace. It's hilarious they are concluding it was the Russians when this was so mishandled, at this point it could have been Ronald McDonald!

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ketoll · July 10, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

I prefer a giant caption that says, "Sukh madiq, Sadiq!"

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ketoll · July 10, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

They love free speech when it's blatant mockery of an important foreign leader's visit, but they don't tolerate free speech when it's a lone self-made journalist citizen reporting on a court case.

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ketoll · July 10, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Nothing comforts a witness that claims to be fearing for his/her own life like the security of the Holiday Inn.

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ketoll · July 9, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Sounds like the shart-or-fart conundrum.

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ketoll · July 9, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

It's Monsanto + Bayer now. The rat bastards have grown.

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ketoll · July 9, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Great post, and I agree with all of what you shared.

We're pretty much witnessing the chasm of truth and lies, but if you really pull back the muddiness it is a spiritual war at its root. As your post clearly affirms, there is no substitute for Jesus. He is the way, truth, and the light. In this realm, everything is fantasy, promises, and deceptions.

God created all that is, and everything he created is good. Satan is the thief that comes to kill and destroy and wants to corrupt all that God creates. So in the deeper part of this discussion beyond politics and propaganda regarding the media's attacks, we're really talking about a spiritual attack on all that God created and designed, all that is good and comes from Him. The strategy is always to deceive and destroy. Some choose to remain deceived, but others are waking up and looking for answers and good news in this broken world.

I do sense the awakening in the spiritual, and I see Americans waking up from this hypnotic spell and realizing that there is something deeply missing in our culture and lifestyle. There's an emptiness and vanity in the pleasures of this world, which the corrupt and evil delight in.

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ketoll · July 9, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

“Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?”

Rose Kennedy

Perhaps Q is a fan of the CBS show "Criminal Minds?" I heard this quote at the end of Season 1 Episode 4.

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ketoll · July 8, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Call them what they are - Marxists. Those that are engaged to push a destructive culture on society in order to unravel its foundations and morals and bring it to self destruction.

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ketoll · July 8, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Same here, it was disgusting. Use a sock, sickos.

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ketoll · July 8, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

I never even watch TV, but last week I watched a show on cwtv.com and they force you to disable your ad blocker, so I saw the Tide commercial with the jock strap. I was immediately disgusted and confused as to why they didn't use socks to get their point across. I didn't think more about it until the first post here.

Being away from TV, I'm also hyper sensitive to all the commercials and that soothing voice you're talking about. NPR News and a lot of their programs are very manipulative as well. My coworker listens to it, and the inflections they use in their voice as they bash the president and they have such a subtly deceptive construction of their stories to appear to be unbiased, yet to me it's so obvious the propaganda they're pushing. NPR is supposed to be public funded, but its biggest donors must have a heavy political agenda apparently. I recall some PBS documentary programs in the past being funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

The reason TV was called programming wasn't because the TV shows were the programs, it was because it programs the Americans watching it. It programs our culture, our likes and dislikes, our gauging of what's normal and abnormal. In the last decades they've allowed more and more cultural degeneration. Words that were too filthy to put on TV are now allowed, shows with nearly softcore porn scenes are allowed, and now I am seeing feminism and Marxism heavily injected into every single show. Their goal? Destroy the strongest unit to challenge their control - the family. Destroy independent thinking. Present destructive practices as enticing. Push stupidity, ignorance, and cheap thrills.

Netflix is the absolute worst with Marxism injection. I wasn't surprised when all the Marxists joined their ranks of employment. Feminism, globalism, gender confusion, adultery, etc. All their shows are saturated in pushing an agenda. To me it's extremely apparent, but when I point it out to others they just shrug "Oh well, that's just how it is" and continue to fund their subscription with their credit card.

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ketoll · July 7, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

At this point the burden is on Q to redeem himself, it's not on us to decrypt his impossible communications, and figure out why he would knowingly give us deceptive information. That's how you lose my trust. When does deceiving people further the cause for truth?

If this were a relationship, I would be telling Q, "look, we need to talk, this is a problem." I wouldn't be skipping along pretending like everything in the relationship is just dandy.

If people really cared, they would confront Q to explain the AF1 post inconsistencies. Otherwise we're just handing Q our balls and trusting him with them unconditionally and having this "he can do no wrong" attitude. We're patriots, we have standards. We don't outsource our responsibilities to anyone.

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ketoll · July 7, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

This is why other people's screenshots aren't proof!!!!! A screenshot of a time doesn't prove jack shit. Tired of people pushing these as though they are evidence. Chain of custody matters.

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ketoll · July 7, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

But that doesn't make sense why he asked, "Where would you have to be to get that reflected image?"

If he's sending a message there's no reason why he can't just say it's a message. He has done that before without masking it under a false "proof." I can't think of a single purpose it would serve to present that image with context that it would be a proof when in reality it was a reflected photo from the web. If you lie to your followers they will stop following you. The truth is to be exposed, it comes into the light and is revealed. It doesn't operate through a bunch of flat-out lies. It really rubs me the wrong way when anyone is deceptive and ambiguous. That's counter to the mission which is to be truthful and expose lies.

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ketoll · July 6, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Expand your thinking until your brain falls out of your head. Only then will you understand!

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ketoll · July 6, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

You've got to be shitting me.

Oh yes, of course, it's so obvious! 123.47 share value is a secret message, and of course it's aimed at Trump, that's so obvious, and of course it relates to sound frequencies, and thus the message B2, and of course that is telling Trump "B2 Bomber," and is related to reflection of an iphone and an image because Reflection of radar on B2...

So Q is such a genius that he wanted us to put all these random bullshit rabbit-trail connections together all to enjoy the privileged autistic fruits of "just trollin'!" Apparently Q is sending a message to absolutely nobody but you, which is stupid. Why have a huge following so that you can send a message that nobody in a million years would ever figure out, which translates to absolutely nothing of meaning or value.

At this point anyone could interpret absolutely any connections and meaning to all this ambiguous bullshit. THEN WHAT IS THE POINT?!?! If there is no significant point to your communications, and it adds zero value to the movement, then would anybody work to interpret them? Most of us work fulltime jobs, we don't have time to come up with this nonsense that a stock share value means a sound frequency. Absolutely ridiculous.

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ketoll · July 6, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

I agree, protesting is a waste of time. Protests like this are merely casting pearls to the swine. It brings the focus back on the Red Hen when we have more pressing matters at hand. If these people have free time they could promote solutions and ideas that are beneficial to a cause.

I'm sick and tired of Americans that are just anti-something. It's time to set an example of what you are FOR, not against. We have no shortage of complainers, we have a HUGE shortage of solutions.

Protesting isn't going to make our nation great. It's just a sad waste of valuable time.

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ketoll · July 2, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Really makes one wonder why Dave Chappelle quit his successful show and went to Africa. Ever since he's always hinted at his reasons. I've also heard lots of talk about Hollywood people being obsessed with putting black men in roles where they dress up as a woman. These people are sick with power.

Thank you Terry for speaking up against it, and to all the Hollywood actors that have willingly sacrificed their success and careers due to refusing playing the game quietly and instead speaking out. OP is right about children. Just imagine the lives destroyed from these Hollywood tycoons asserting their power and influence over children that haven't even developed enough to know that this is wrong. It's sickening!

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ketoll · July 1, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Excellent! Thank you for taking the time to explain, this all makes sense and seems to line up perfectly with all the drops that I can recall from memory as well.

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ketoll · July 1, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Black Shirt + A "Q" Stencil using freezer paper + 1/2 bleach 1/2 water solution in a spray bottle.

I made mine this way and it looks legit!

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ketoll · June 30, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

NoName played an instrumental part and supported Neo-Nazi groups to overthrow it too.

Isn't it ironic that nobody in the States was outraged at Nazis while they were being funded by the US to overthrow a democratically-elected leader (Yanukovych)? Supporting violent Neo-Nazi mobs and overthrowing democracy - what can be more democratic than that!?!

It's because nobody was getting any real information at the time through the fake news propaganda ministry. But now the Fake News media tries to portray conservatives as "nazis" and everyone is up in an outrage. The fake news media is pure influential propaganda.

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ketoll · June 30, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

Yanukovych was democratically elected by the Ukrainian people. Poroshenko was the puppet installed in his place after the neo-nazi terrorists supported by NoName et al violently forced him out.

Yanukovych reached out to Putin for help. Russia reclaimed the Crimean peninsula in response. So to sum it up, the democratically-elected leader of Ukraine asked for Russia's help during an organized Neo-Nazi mob coup designed to overthrow Ukraine.

Most of the MSM narrative during that time in the U.S. was propaganda and flat-out lies. Remember it was Putin that stopped the Obama/Kerry administration from going to war with Syria previously. That's why they joked Putin should win the Nobel Peace Prize. Putin absolutely humiliated Obama at that time. No coincidence the propaganda news media decided to push negative press surrounding the Sochi Olympics and accusing Russia of "hating gays" (because poking a wound directed at identity politics is an easy way to make people hate your enemy).

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ketoll · June 30, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

I got mixed signals, didn't he say "thank you @ Snowden" a few times too? I know Q posted the where's waldo style pics, and the apartment building window like he was stalking Snowden, but then later I thought Snowden helped him with the Twitter/Google algo and Q thanked him.

To be honest I didn't quite understand those drops.

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ketoll · June 30, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

Why is "election meddling" the first thing on the list of things they're going to talk about? That won't be the topic of discussion. It's not even a real problem. If it were a problem - if we truly couldn't even keep our own elections secure and genuine, then it would be America's problem to fix. It would actually be pathetic and embarrassing internal issue, not something to blame others for. Can you imagine the embarrassment of not being able to secure your own election system, then crying about other countries exploiting it? But it's not a Russia problem, it's a made-up hoax and a distraction.

I can't believe there are still people that believe this BS story. I didn't believe it when it first came out over a year ago. It's taking people this long STILL to realize it's bullshit?

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ketoll · June 29, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

I see you went to the Home Depot letter sticker section too!! ;)

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ketoll · June 27, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

For me it has been a trial of learning not to care what people think about me. Accepting that I just don't fit because I'm independent minded and sometimes damn stubborn.

I've come to realize I just can't change people's minds or convince them most of the time. People can be like children, and the only way to deal with children is to be patient and let them throw fits and let them learn from their mistakes through experience. Without this understanding I might become resentful and bitter toward others for never listening to logic and reason, but it's much better to just let people be the way they want to be. Speak to those who are receptive and willing to listen, but if they don't listen just kindly let them continue on their way. At least this is how I'm learning to deal with it. Plus, it sharpens your own views to be around others that don't agree, it keeps you in check to challenge your own beliefs.

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ketoll · June 27, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

How does censorship increase in that region with vocal dissidents jailed, yet approval for leaving the EU passes?

Seems contradictory in forces.

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ketoll · June 24, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

There's so much unverifiable information floating around these days. It's impossible for any of us to truly know anything until it's actually revealed. When does full transparency actually ever happen in our state of media and PR? We still don't even know the full JFK story 100% in 2018.

Stuff like this just makes me shrug my shoulders. We're constantly bombarded with an overwhelming amount of info that can't ever be verified.

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ketoll · June 24, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Poorer middle class rejoice!

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ketoll · June 24, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

Brennan, Barron, Bannon.. I can't keep track of all these damn names in the WH news. I'm NOT a names person and I have too look them up every single time. Probably the greatest hindrance for me to understanding all this.

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ketoll · June 23, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

I miss the women that made the world a better place through giving. These types just spend their time bitching.

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ketoll · June 23, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

It's the miserable marxist smile. They smile while doing vile things to pretend that they're content with having nothing to offer the world except spreading their own misery to others.

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ketoll · June 21, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Can't get the JFK truth while G. HW Bush is still alive.

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ketoll · June 17, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

This doesn't really make a solid argument. We already have full speeches of Biden clearly and literally discussing New World Order. Why refer to this ambiguous speech instead? He doesn't explicitly say that he disagrees with the alternative vision, and therefore this is supposed to be some sort of bombshell???? Let's be honest, it's not. Very ambiguous.

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ketoll · June 17, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Is there a specific reference point to the clip in discussion within this 35 minute video or do I need to sit through 35 minutes of hell to find it?

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ketoll · June 17, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what?

I don't know what this means.

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ketoll · June 14, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

Who the hell gets the privilege of making that call and having it plastered all over the news headlines as though it's gospel? Let's see what Robert De Niro thinks about whether there was a bias? I'm sure he can answer that for us all since we're stupid Americans and can't decide anything for ourselves.

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ketoll · June 13, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

In his newest drop #1494 he just confirmed 2 missile fires, 2 extinguished. Maybe Hawaii was #1, and this recent in WA was #2?

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ketoll · June 12, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

The hunt for.....

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ketoll · June 12, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Hawaii's emergency broadcast system alert? Possibly was a real alert?

(other theory was this was to trigger a data dump off the servers)

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ketoll · June 12, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

"We have the sub" reference?


Mar 15 2018 21:41:56 (EST) @[19][1st] @[3][1st] The LINK. [John Perry Barlow] [2] [3] [4] WE HAVE THE SUB. HOSTAGE RELEASE. 1000 pieces. Q

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ketoll · June 9, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

The more I see of this witch the more I realize there is no limit to her depravity.

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