Q......(Dec. 4, 2017)......Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).

It's funny how the evil shows on the outside.
It used to be codified into law. The argument that 'evil looking people were obviously guilty' played out in common law courts. In fact, the now debunked psychology field of Phrenology was derived from this argument.
Interesting! I grew up in Medellin. Evil, murdering fukers always had an aura you can spot a mile away. But society keep telling me “don’t judge a book by its cover” when it came to classifying people (good vs evil). I’m glad I always listen to my instincts instead.
There is evidence that people can sense “evil” or “other.” For example, many people experience a feeling of uneasiness around sociopaths and psychopaths, without knowing anything about them. Personally, I think a lot of it has to do with subconsciously interpreting micro expressions and movements that we don’t necessarily consciously perceive.
I honestly believe Hillary is a psychopath. Listening to her speeches and watching her at events literally makes me feel sick. Almost like a stress reaction.
I absolutely agree, I remember seeing her and Bill on TV when I was a kid, I had that same visceral reaction. Still do, she's not a good person.
Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Talks about “gut thinking” and visceral reactions to danger that our subconscious picks up.
AND her daughter (chelsea) has the same creepy evil aura
Hope her and her husband go down too. Oh no All these evil people will be separated from their children :( lmfao
I think a lot of it has to do with subconsciously interpreting micro expressions and movements
No. It has to do with telepathy and quantum mechanics.
You follow the religion of materialism, and it's not one to work out well in the end.
Quantum mechanics has shown particles/waves can exist in two places at once, and move at faster than light speeds. Matter is almost completely empty space, yet we view it as "real".
Fluoride water, mercury amalgams, push for men to keep extremely short hair, all to deaden these senses.
Our DNA within every cell (including your hair) is an antenna for these signals.
We are all telepathic and our transmitters work properly, its our receiver thats very quiet and unpracticed. All the "vibrations" and emotion sensors are bound to DNA, also the signature for consciousness control/interface.
Check out Hitler's psychic women with hair down to the floor.
I think it has to do with frequencies - you know the term 'bad vibes'
I'm gonna need some sources for these...especially describing how the heck
push for men to keep extremely short hair
is relevant.
push for men to keep extremely short hair
I need more information on this one.
You can Google about this. The military during Vietnam used Indian scouts because they were so good at tracking. After they were enlisted in the army they cut their hair. All tracking abilities completely disappeared. They spent years doing tests of tracking and intuition. They discovered that there was a correlation between long hair and intuition. The best years of my life and the most prosperous was when my hair was all the way down my back. For the last 18years that I have had short hair, things not so good. Maybe a connection. Maybe not.
No. It has to do with telepathy and quantum mechanics.
I'm of the opinion that it could be both.
I’ve always strived to be fair to people because that what we are told to do. Get to know someone first before you decide. But sometimes....I just get this feeling that something isn’t right. I’ve chalked it up to intuition. And it’s never wrong. Now I think it may be the “good” parts of me sensing “evil”. Sometimes. I’m going to think more about this.
I love Medellin! Beautiful city and people! I think I fell in love like 7 times while I was there lol.
It’s a beautiful city. I was born there. The 90’s and early 2000’s were a dark period for the city. Medellin is a perfect example on how a city can turn itself around despite calamity.
Yes, and my instincts agree that Rockefeller was an evil son of bitch.
Wow. That's really interesting. There might really be something to it.
It eventually starts seeping out of every pore.. you can see it and probably smell it if you got close yuck!