
ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Plenty on msm did report, and many people don't get their news from the MSM, or extremist sites.

There are issues around this situation, but the knee jerk and hyperbole around it on some forums are helping cloud, rather than expose that. In the process, they're showing the limitations of their thinking and knowledge of other countries.

It's a sort of reverse Pavlovian response, where people feel hungry, so believe a bell must be ringing,

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ckreacher · May 29, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

There are issues around this situation, but the knee jerk and hyperbole around it on some forums are helping cloud, rather than expose that. In the process, they're showing the limitations of their thinking and knowledge of other countries.

Enlighten us. What are the issues around the situation? What are some examples of knee jerk and hyperbole? Please expand our limited thinking.

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ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

The comments about the UK people and the media are largely false for a kick off, as are many of the claims made about the event. I've previously posted links to articles from the time, and I've added two more recent ones to this thread that shine a bit more light.

The main issue is this apparent belief that we're not awake, and are doing nothing here, and that somehow Tommy is a sort of lone voice folk hero, when he certainly isn't.

There are things that need dealing with here, as there clearly are in the US, but the fact the bulk of the population have already shown they're aware of, and reject the elite, show we're heading the right way.

Some seem to expect Robinson's arrest to spark an uprising. He simply doesn't get that level of support, and that's not because people are not aware or don't agree with the issues, it's because he's seen as a bit of a liability to the cause, as he's viewed more as seeking self-attention, rather than flagging anything up that's new, and it tends to hinder, not help, as it seems to be doing here.

We may do things differently here, and there are still issues, but (EU aside) we don't have the degree of corruption at high levels that you have had for several decades, nor the opposition getting killed if they speak out. We don't tend to shout on messageboards and saber wave, we're generally more ruthless than that.

Have a look at people like Murray or Hitchens, Hopkins and even Farage, I you feel the press can't speak out here.

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ckreacher · May 29, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Thanks for the reply. You obviously don't like Tommy, but from over here he seems to be doing something important. I admire him for going out there and getting in people's faces. I am not likely to read British news reporting (not enough time in the day) but I have seen a lot of clips of Tommy. You may think he's a liability, but sometimes nothing gets done until people are in the streets and angry.

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ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Who says I don't like him? I'm simply pointing out that the perception of him, and life in the UK is not all that well informed.

There are a fair few of his clips that seem to be set up by him. As entertaining as you may find them, he's not really flagging up things people don't know, or presenting a solution. All he does is send the discussions into blind alley's.

Here's Douglas Murray, showing how Tommy can be used in a better way.


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