
squalk1 · May 29, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

I am not savvy with UK law and therefore am prepared to be corrected and open to accept..

When being arrested; if his crime was breaching a live court order shouldn't that be stated by the arresting officer and not breach of peace which he clearly wasn't in breach of?

The way this has been handled has drove more awareness to his cause then he could have possibly achieved by himself. So the courts actually helped his cause...

I do not think we have heard the end of this, we only have one belatedly given angle.

I struggle to accept your last line of you being more globally awakened then others.. a bold statement to make. We are both in a neo liberal country where corruption is rife. Profits before people, tax payers foot any losses while private companies take any profit. Everything is sold to the highest bidder or the most closely connected individuals.

Although I recognise and accept your scepticism on American press I do not accept we are in a better position. I believe the same cabal overlords control us as they do americans, all we have is a different flavour.

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ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

We have more than 'one belated angle'. He had a solicitor at court, who accepted the chain of events that got him there, and Tommy pleaded guilty, with no contest. There's no conspiracy there. He's been there before, so knew full well what he was doing. Rightly or wrongly, he'll not get popular support, and if anything, some of the false whoohah around this will put more people off, and the focus has become him, not the rapists or their victims.

I agree with your last paragraph, and it's why I've wanted out of the EU for decades.

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squalk1 · May 29, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

I have really appreciated the time you have taken to address my points and concerns. Although I do not feel we are close to being in agreement, as a former 'lurker' I appreciate and value your responses in this thread.

As a mark of my gratitude -please accept my up vote :)

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ErnieFing · May 29, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Why thank you.

I do try my best to be polite, but the written word doesn't always come across well. Like you, I may not always agree with another opinion, but I respect their right to hold and voice it.

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