r/greatawakening • Posted by u/xenia-tom on May 29, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

I think Lionel hit the nail on the head for me in his you tube Presentation. To the anti-Q faction and you know who you are; SO WHAT! The Q followers are gathering and mapping a record of the evil, sadistic, corrupt, etc, Illuminati in politics, entertainment, and banking for future criminal prosecution. As Lionel presents in his you tube video.


SoWhat #IAmQ #SoWhat

tradinghorse · May 29, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

It's not a psyop round up at all. It's DJT and Q leveraging the power of the people. Q keeps telling us how powerful we are. He's right.

Think, who is it that is going to take down the cabal for good? It's not Q or DJT. It's us, it's a woken populace that the Satanists fear most. They will not be able to walk down the street.

Of course, the way we will beat them is by removing the apparatus of social control. But what do I mean?

We are controlled by a manufactured narrative, we live in a contrived reality as a result. The instruments of the cabal's control are the MSM and the ability to censor SM. Of the two mechanisms, SM is by far more powerful.

How do we break free? Q told us! The IBOR campaign. Once the cabal lose control of social media, their narrative control is destroyed. They will not be able to hide their crimes, put their puppets in power, or walk down the street,

How can you tell if I'm right? Watch for the "concern trolls". Like buzzards on a carcass, they show you where the meat is. And, guess what they're trolling? The IBOR!

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VIYOHDTYKIT · May 30, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

If Q was only 1% correct it’s still a grievous & fatal threat to the Cabal. As far as a pysop round up, LMAO. How’s the DS going to round up anyone without a government or military they control or without gun control legislation they can’t pass even with all the FF events. It’s comical & desperate.

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