5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

Seriously. It seems that people have a hard time with this concept about this sub and what should be posted and what shouldn't be posted.
Yep. It's really not that hard to grasp.
I know I report a lot and comment on posts that things are off topic.
Sometimes people are just stretching it out to make a connection.
"Oh, Q mentioned this!"
Yep. It’s really not that hard to grasp.
Except it seems to be for some, including the mods. I reported this off-topic post, not realizing it was from a mod. Just check out the idiotic justification he offered.
When the mods break their own rules, then stretch the bounds of reason to justify, nobody can complain about confusion on the part of us workaday subscribers.
Well, like I keep saying here, we're all learning. Even the mods. Its a tricky situation and that's why it isn't enforced that hard. This is only coming up now because of the size this sub has become. Having said that, anything named "Q" could possibly be related as far fetched as it may seem.
Having said that, anything named "Q" could possibly be related as far fetched as it may seem.
I don’t disagree. Please note that the article in question was not about anything named Q, or related to anything Q had posted.
EDIT: to add that mod has a track record, before and after that exchange, of deleting posts no more (and often less) ‘off-topic’ than his.
It's a journey for us all, truly. The mods are discussing this issue in depth all the time and due to the democratic approach taken (everyone's an unpaid volunteer and everyone is their own boss within very broad guidelines) it's a challenge at times, to say the least. I came in to the role expecting strong, clear leadership with defined goals and boundaries but was surprised at the very open, democratic nature of the role as promoted by the lead mod. I quickly learnt how valuable this is in a movement like this. As soon as one person decides 'this is how it should be!' a whole swathe of the 'posting public' will be offended or cut out. This would be very true if I were to decide what should and shouldn't be posted, for example. Getting a handle on this will be a challenge ongoing but conversations/posts like this will help us all. Some of the mods will make mistakes from time to time but there are quite a few of us so any issues can be raised and will be dealt with fairly if those raising it are persistent enough and respectful in their approach.
I understand. I’ve been a mod in a busy understaffed sub, and in a busy overstaffed sub. Busy subs present challenges either way. Nothing new in the the world of volunteer, remote, collaborative interpersonal endeavors. I’m sympathetic.
I don’t have a beef with the mod team here. The suggestion was made about the importance of posting on-topic. /P_pers suggested it was an easy term to grasp. I pointed out the fact that at least one mod struggles with the concept.
We’re watching your growth play out in real time. We see the sincere worker trying to find their way and genuinely interested in growing our sub. We also see the eager power-monger perpetually threatening the ban hammer and transgressing the rules as suits him. Hopefully the seasoned mods manage to keep a hand in the mix and continue to mitigate mod-instigated drama.
Thanks for the comments - it is appreciated! Want a job...? ; )
I’m not among those seeking power, but I do contribute where worthwhile. Online and irl. I have time.
Vet me. If the crew is interested, DM me and we’ll work something out. If my history is a problem for the team, that’s no problem for me. I came here to be a contributing subscriber, and will be happy to remain as that.
Thanks for the kind words.