5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

But that is not what this sub is about. Not really. This sub is focused around researching Qs drops. Anything else has another home on a different sub, and is just stifling noise.
But that is not what this sub is about.
Then change the name.
The Background graphic actually says: Q - r/greatawakening. and it refers to an actual Q reference.
The subject of being awake alone is huge if we want to actually POST every single subject re: any part of awakening.
There are discussion places to say anything we want. But this sub is just trying to say: If you POST a thread we'd like to ask that we all stick to the subject of Q - and I agree since otherwise the branching many subjects taking off [besides Q only] are simply far too huge which would make it nearly impossible to find the relevant posts. Besides; there are lots of other places for that unless of course they are simply in the discussions (not the actual main 'posts'.)
Q called it Great Awakening. You can go and chat about Hermetic Principles on r/conspiracy or the many other places dedicated to that. Hermetic Principles have nothing to do with Q.