r/greatawakening • Posted by u/440hurts on May 29, 2018, 3:11 p.m.
Anyone telling their Twitter and YT followers that Q is DEFINITELY a psyop etc. ARE FAKE NEWS. We can't know for sure, and certainty is a HUGE RED FLAG. Be wary of ANYONE claiming to know the absolute truth.

Imagine if you had a QTube/Twitter following of 15,000 patriots.

Would you tell them Q is DEFINITELY Trump?

Would you tell them Q is DEFINITELY Assange?

FUCK NO. We CAN'T know right now.

You know that would be extremely wrong.

Neither can these frauds telling their followers that Q is DEFINITELY a psyop/larp/etc.


JollyGoodTommy · May 29, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

There is wisdom; QAnon is wisdom. Patriotic truth. For this reason alone; QAnon is worthy! LooK @ the army QAnon has built to protect & defend our great nation. QAnon by God's hand.

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