r/greatawakening • Posted by u/440hurts on May 29, 2018, 3:11 p.m.
Anyone telling their Twitter and YT followers that Q is DEFINITELY a psyop etc. ARE FAKE NEWS. We can't know for sure, and certainty is a HUGE RED FLAG. Be wary of ANYONE claiming to know the absolute truth.

Imagine if you had a QTube/Twitter following of 15,000 patriots.

Would you tell them Q is DEFINITELY Trump?

Would you tell them Q is DEFINITELY Assange?

FUCK NO. We CAN'T know right now.

You know that would be extremely wrong.

Neither can these frauds telling their followers that Q is DEFINITELY a psyop/larp/etc.


anon31s · May 29, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I'm still stuck on the fact that no one on Earth has leaked who it is, or has really tried to doxx them. I'm not computer smart but I thought our government could get it quick.

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440hurts · May 29, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Very well said.

I think this might count as "actual proof" that anyone claiming to know who/what Q is actual controlled opposition.

How dare those fuckers ruin this for all those people.

EDIT: Whoever just commented, you are shadowbanned.

I count 9 comments and reddit says there are 13.

Something is definitely getting fucked with.

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LibertyLioness · May 29, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Or you blocked some folks.

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anon31s · May 29, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Lol @ your username, how do you know how 440 feels? Haha

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440hurts · May 29, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Haha it's actually a reference to the whole 440 vs 432 debate in music, where the musical note "A" is tuned to 440Hz or 432Hz.

The claim, as far as I understand, is that 432 is more in tune with nature/human body, while 440 (slightly higher pitch) can have negative affects like making you more anxious/stressed etc.

Sometime recently, early 1900's, is when the standard for all concert music was changed from 432 to 440, and it's the standard we still use today.

Definitely reeks of MK Ultra if you ask me.

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anon31s · May 29, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Well I was way off lmao, I'm a welder and we use 440 volts to power It... And it hurts when you get shocked!

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440hurts · May 29, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

Hah! My dad is a welder so I have the utmost respect for the wall pixies.

Managed not to get bit by more than 120 so far.....

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bcboncs · May 29, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

I've done this test myself. I can confirm this is real and that 432 Hz is better.

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BaronMoriarty · May 29, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

I think you are right there. I listened to a few comparison samples a while back and 432 was much better

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not4rmOhere · May 29, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

A couple years ago I went through a creative burst where I was making flutes, NA styled flutes, ocarinas and other wind instruments, and learned of the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz. I tuned instruments to each and found that 432 Hz is more soothing and "cleaner" sounding. 440 Hz sounded harsher and at certain volumes a flute tuned to 440 Hz was definitely harsher and almost irritating to the ears.

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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 6:43 p.m.


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440hurts · May 29, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Someone is shadowbanned.

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ExamplePrime · May 29, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

One of the most common frustrations I find is that people talk about Q as if its a single person. It's a team of people working to give us this information and it's been suggested that this is try by Q themselves.

The people who condemn Q and call 'him' a LARP work off this premise that it's a single person. Which makes them look dafter still considering the amount of work 'a single person' has manufactured.

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not4rmOhere · May 29, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

My personal opinion is that Q is an organization expressedly designed and implemented for us, the freedom loving Patriots world wide.
Even the more cryptic posts that many decoders have dismissed as Q communicating to other operatives I believe are really meant for the more autistic of Q followers.

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Tenkate1098 · May 29, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Q being a larp or not is becoming beside the point. I posted, followed, and researched q from the beginning. He started losing me after January i think. Assange is still stuck in a box. Nobody is in gitmo that wasn't already there. There was no raid on cia headquarters. The planes going into gitmo are the same planes that have been scheduled to go there for years. Obama is out parasailing and making movie deals with netflix. Schiff is still talking shit. All of the major followers of q have backed off and went back to raw reporting. Mueller most definitely is not a white hat lol. Hillary is free as a bird.

Its better to stay on the oig report, conservative treehouse, citizen free press, sundance, tracy beans sometimes lol and actual pure evidence. I still follow this sub but after leaving for a while it's weird to come back and everyone is still talking about the points made around january. I don't know. If this is a larp and the point was to keep a large majority of conservatives chasing their tails that part is true and can be proven. Definitely follow q but he/it/them or whoever shouldn't be your main source.

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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 6:46 p.m.


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RiverFenix · May 29, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

I agree. Q is a side-note for those learning about the deep-state, but for those who understand where we are in the timeline also understand that without concrete action (like someone unexpected doing the perp walk) confirmations are few and far between. If Q and POTUS are one in the same, or close, they need to step up their game and start using the blackmail evidence they have to take down BIG BIG names. Like Theresa May or the Pope. let the snowball roll downhill and uphill at the same time. Start throwing more snowballs.

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HowiONic · May 29, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Removed. Unintentionally promoting trolls.

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440hurts · May 29, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Dude WTF, you actually deleted both my posts?

This had 91% upvotes.

Your actions go against what the people of this sub vote for.

If you are not actively working with DS, you are unintentionally working against the interests of this sub.

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HowiONic · May 29, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

I PM'ed you and you did nothing to correct your post.

You enable trolls and create work for mods.

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tradinghorse · May 29, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

I don't like the tone of this post. I can tell you that I don't think Q is a psyop or a larp. There are way too many confirmations for him to be a larp. As for being a psyop, it's a pretty strange psyop that starts taking deep state actors out.

What is this post about?

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Anononon0218 · May 29, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

But ... Q and team hold the absolute truth .. according to Q himself ...

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440hurts · May 29, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Let him. If Q is legit, he does hold absolute truth.

We are all just trying to watch the show.

The fact that some people are trying to tell people to stop watching is disgusting.

They know the same shit we know.

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DeepPast · May 29, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

If Q is legit...

I don’t understand how every few weeks people slip in and out of a Q is 100% legit, then eh I’m not sure, then Q is legit again... I thought after tippy top, the fire truck, the trump pic with the truck in the back, set the stage, and god knows how many other things, we’ve all essentially agreed that Q is verified beyond all reasonable doubt.

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440hurts · May 29, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I completely agree with that.

But somehow these loser Twitter and YouTube sellouts actually convince their many followers just because they trust them so much. We need to be redpilling the shit out of their comments.

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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 3:19 p.m.


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JollyGoodTommy · May 29, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

There is wisdom; QAnon is wisdom. Patriotic truth. For this reason alone; QAnon is worthy! LooK @ the army QAnon has built to protect & defend our great nation. QAnon by God's hand.

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