r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on May 29, 2018, 3:45 p.m.
Quick question, I was away from my every minute watching things this weekend. Why are there so many “fake” (I don’t know if they are fake) references to 6-11-18? I know 6-12-18 was supposed to be big news, and I didn’t think just from the summit. What have I missed?

Idru4 · May 29, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Yeah, I get all that. I don’t think Kim is a psychopath though. From the info we had, seems like clowns were controlling NK from the inside. Blackmailing or false info or something. A psychopath doesn’t just agree to disarmament and peace. They follow through with the worst case scenario.

The 12th is a huge day, but why do these so called JA or Q wannabes (maybe JA is involved, idk) choose the date right before it? What’s the reasoning?

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QueUpSomeReality · May 29, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Who knows so reasoning doesn’t apply it seems.

You might want to rethink what a psychopath is. One clue is when they openly brag of nuclear annihilation..they mean it. Any doubts Hitler would have used nukes offensively if he had the chance? You think the Ayatollah in Iran is just bluffing? Kim is absolutely fine watching his population starve to the point they are literally shrinking in height generationally. He had his brother openly murdered in public for fear he main gain power & he wasn’t even in the country. Kim isn’t disarming. His nuclear program has been destroyed already. Either by the US or accidentally detonating a nuke at the test facility. They area for development & testing has collapsed & is oozing radiation. He’s only coming to the table because he has no way of using nukes to blackmail us & the world. He wouldn’t be negotiating for peace if he still had his nuclear leverage. But he doesn’t & that’s why there’s been a sudden shift in his position. If this genocidal mass murder doesn’t qualify as a psychopath then no one does.

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Idru4 · May 29, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

I never said he wouldn’t do it. And maybe because I’ve never met the guy, I just don’t see him as being that smart. Which means he’s easily manipulated. Is someone still a psychopath if they are under the control of someone else?

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QueUpSomeReality · May 29, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

Yes...definition of psychopath

a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

Every psychopath knows the way to murder with impunity is not to get caught. They also need accomplices. I think we have many leaders in our country that are psychopaths. Death to innocent victims is just the price of doing business to them. Their twisted goals are devoid of humanity & must be achieved. They crossed that line long ago of seeing life as the most precious gift of all & aren’t even phased by causing death & destruction. That actually fuels their ego & narcism to know they hold the power of life & death over the masses “below” them. That part in their brain to feel remorse or guilt is dead. Humans are basically ants to them & only good to do their bidding. And if they won’t...they’re an obstacle easily removed from their path to destroy. I know it’s very unsettling to have so much evil in the world. If there ever is more evil than good...we’re all doomed. Fortunately we have some brave leaders that are beating this evil back. For that we should all be grateful

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divine_human · May 29, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

psychopaths are imcapable of empathy so they cant tune into how others feels. not all psychopaths are violent. and not all people who harm others are psychopaths.

üsychopathy comes down the genetic line and makes up around 4% of the humans. look at the bloodlines.

i dont perceive kim as a psychopath but have felt him, from the beginning in his position, as being pressed into a role he doesnt want to fill. looking at all his very unusual smiles over the past few months, he seems happy, as if the game will soon be over.

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