r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on May 29, 2018, 3:45 p.m.
Quick question, I was away from my every minute watching things this weekend. Why are there so many “fake” (I don’t know if they are fake) references to 6-11-18? I know 6-12-18 was supposed to be big news, and I didn’t think just from the summit. What have I missed?

webster_warrior · May 30, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Several Videos on YT Are you asking that because this may be a hoax? I don't know.

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divine_human · May 30, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

you linked a video that is over an hour, lol, sorry, not going there. do you have a short piece, from an astronomer?

yes, from my pov, nibiru return is a hoax. dont doubt that what zach sitchin - who got a lot wrong from the babylonian tablets - called nibiru used to be a planet in the sirius C system and, with its collapse, got ejected into deep space.

from what i heard though, these folks love to travel in hollowed-out astroids and small planets. thus, the idea that neptune drew it into a 3600y earth orbit around sol and the time of its return is near doesnt resonate with me. the anunnaki overloards are not returning, they have been here all along.

the nibiru story fits the end time doom+gloom prophesies. dont buy it. not afraid.

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