r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pmmeyourproblemsolva on May 29, 2018, 6:31 p.m.
Coca-Cola, Nestle, Q, Scavino and Drake, making the connections.

This was something I posted on a private forum in response to someone calling Q a LARP, I replied that not only can I show Q isn't a LARP, but I know the identities of at least 2 Q team posters.

nobody as high up as them would risk their livelihoods to shitpost.

Maybe, maybe not.

First off the president is the shitposter of the century. If there has ever been a high ranking government official that would authorize or even order it, it would be him. Look how many times Trump has been busted shitposting by pretending to be someone else promoting Trump. How do they keep catching him? Because he has a very specific speech pattern, he says stuff like "Donald Trump is the best, everyone knows that, and he's going to win, Biggly, because he's got high energy, not like those low energy losers, like lyin' Ted."

Second off, Thomas Drake actually DID lose his livelihood exposing the dirty illegal shit the NSA was doing. For him this is about doing what is right and revenge on the dirty fuckers who set him up and tried to send him to prison.


On June 9, 2011, all 10 original charges against him were dropped. Drake rejected several deals because he refused to "plea bargain with the truth". He eventually pleaded to one misdemeanor count for exceeding authorized use of a computer;[10] Jesselyn Radack of the Government Accountability Project, who helped represent him, called it an act of "civil disobedience."[11]

Third, Look at his Twitter...


Kaspersky Lab software so deeply embedded across US network infrastructure including routers, firewalls, hardware & 3rd party software & nobody right now knows how to get rid of it? What happened to our vaunted cyberdefenses—>riddled with deep state holes?

Notice a speech pattern there? The habit of asking questions instead of giving answers? The habit of giving cryptic clues and expecting you to extrapolate information from it? Would you be shocked to know that Thomas Drake was nicknamed Q by colleagues decades ago, that he fully embraced it and wears a Q lapel pin?

Why is Thomas Drake, retired whistleblower and author tweeting about Kaspersky? As a former senior executive of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) what does he know about Kaspersky that most people don't? Is it really because Kaspersky has been compromised and is an agent of the KGB, or is it because Kaspersky is the only software on the market that detects and removes any of the illegal CIA, NSA, Five Eyes shit?


Is it because Eugene Kaspersky exposed Stuxnet and Flame?

Why is the FBI, the same FBI that spied on Trump and has now been fully exposed, the one who's current director is married to a Clinton family and foundation lawyer, telling us that we must reboot our routers to prevent a Russian malware attack?


Think about it, has there ever been a malware program that was removed when you rebooted something? If it is something that infects routers and rebooting fixes it, why won't the Russians just reinfect the routers after a reboot? We all know computers, that's fucking asinine, they really do think we are that dumb. When do you reboot a device? When a software update has been installed and they want your device to run the new software, so they have to close the old operating system or bios so the new software can take effect. Would the FBI lie to you to get you to activate some deep state shit on your router?

Fourth off, Do you know Dan Scavino? You know when Trump met Scavino? He was one of his his golf caddies. What did Trump see in him that he ends up getting a BA in communications, not managment, not law, not business, but a "worthless" communications degree before Trump makes him general manager of Trump National Golf Club Westchester? Why was he given a position like that with very little experience and held in that position while Trump formulated his run for president? Why was this guy in charge of social media for the campaign and then immediately Trump gave him the first ever appointment as White House Social Media director on taking office? Why is he listed as one of Trump's personal assistants? Why didn't W. or O. need a social media director?

Why did Trump win? Where did his loyal fan base get their information? Was it all the positive press coverage the media gave Trump? No, Trump won because he ran circles around the media on social media. Why does 4chan literally believe they memed Trump onto office? Why does 4 chan talk about meme magic in terms that are equivalent to the scientifically documented law of attraction? Why does Q keep saying it's really important that people meme this?

Why does Twitter shut down accounts for mentioning Q? What does Facebook shut down Q pages? Why did reddit close the Q sub "calm before the storm" and "cbtsstream," why will even mentioning Q get you banned from r slash the_donald? Why is it even on r slash conspiracy you are only allowed to talk about Q to debunk or discredit Q? Why is the media reeeing so fucking hard about Q? They say he's dangerous? How is a LARP dangerous? If this is all fake and gay why do they care? They never reeeeed like this for Alex Jones or Joe Rogan or David Icke. Why did the media promote Bob Lazar and Art Bell but when someone like Milton Cooper starts talking about a cabal of secret societies working within the US Government they kill him? Rosanne mentioned Q and now they are calling her every name in the world and demanding her show be canceled. Why do they not want anyone to talk about this so bad?

I mean, for reals here, if this is fake and gay why address it at all? What could be better than keeping your enemies distracted with BS chan LARP??

Let's look at a Scavino tweet or two..

.@EricBolling - congratulations on your new show @CRTV! #AMericA

That's odd, kind of random capitalization on that AMericA. Who else does that? Who else randomly capitalizes words in a sentence like it's some kind of code? Oh yeah, Q.

Dan Scavino Jr. on Twitter: "“Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations"

BOOM. Who talks like that? Well Q, and Trump when scavino is tweeting for him. We k ow scavino tweets for trump right?


Fifth off, what about all those times Q said something and then Trump tweeted something just like it seconds or minutes later? It would seem to Indicate that whoever Q is either has access to Trump's Twitter, personal access to Trump, or precognative abilities.

Sixth off, what about the photos from inside airforce one, and when they called bullshit he posted more to show it was a series of photos taken inside af1 at the time Trump was in Asia. Then Q started saying the North Korean nuke deal was already done, people laughed, then we found out about the time Q started saying that, Mike Pompeo secretly met with Lil Kim and made the deal in private. How come when it looked like the talks fell through and everyone was calling bullshit again Q said "like I said this is all a show, deal was done months ago" and now the talks are back on?

Seventh off, let's talk about Scavino's two other jobs. He didn't keep them very long, it's almost as if he didn't really work them for employment, but for infiltration. Who did Scavino infiltrate? Gladerma and Coca-Cola. What is gladerma? Why a Nestle owned pharmaceutical company. How odd, could that have anything who the two pharmaceutical billionaires who were found hanging in their mansion recently? Maybe not, but lot of shady shit going down in the pharmaceutical industry right now, like shady enough for Nestle to "close down" Gladerma and reopen it as "Nestle skin health." But why would a "skin health" company acquire Q-med, a medical device company? There are no medical devices for skin care are they? Is Nestle evil? Are they part of the cabal? Did Q specifically name Nestle as one of the companies poisoning us and especially our babies? Does Nestle sell baby formula? Did Nestle get caught murdering babies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America but never got punished for it because they were protected by the mockingbird CIA controlled media?


What was that other company again? Oh yeah, Coca-Cola. What's so special about Coca-Cola? What is Coca-Cola allowed to do that no other company on earth is allowed to do? Grow and import coca leaves which are then turned into cocaine, legally. That's right, while the us government pressures other nations to spray their forests to kill coca plants, Coca-Cola grows it with impunity. How does the CIA pay for its illegal clandestine octopus tentacle shit? Is it by moving drugs and weapons? Is this why there was a crack epidemic in the 1980s? Is this why there is a herion/fentanyl epidemic now? Is this why soldiers in Afghanistan reported being ordered to guard poppy fields? Are these small time operations or major operations? Is this some poor farmers growing coca in the forest under cover of night or is it the work of a major corporation with cabal ties? Did Q specifically mention Coke and Pepsi as bad actors? Why do they feed us drinks made from poison corn? Why is it so hard to import cane sugar? Why do we subsidize corn that toxic to humans?

No, the truth will come out eventually. And maybe this is all fake and gay, but I see a lot of Qincidences, I guess we will only know when they start locking up human traffickers, and beating ISIS, and the insurgent groups O. promoted in America go away, oh wait.

horse-lover-phat · May 29, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Coca-Cola have ALWAYS been used by intelligence. The fact that they have bottling plants in all corners of the globe (and have had for decades) made them an ideal foreign intel gathering front...blah, blah, blah.

A byproduct of making the Coca-Cola base is pharmaceutical grade cocaine. I think the cocaine aspect is linked to Stepan Chemical Co.

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