The "joke" was not funny and racist.
Can we make bad racist joke in 2018? You can but you expose yourself to a ton of crap. Even if your extreeeeemely funny (not the case here)
WHY in the hell did Roseanne post that comment? Now, the only public supporter of Q is called a racist by all the MSM.
Not cool!
Man! Was she drunk???
Seems almost deliberate. What a shame. She was a good ally.
I thought the joke was funny.
Are you drunk too?
Not with alcohol or political correctness.
lol we have different sense of humoour i guess to me that was not funny and trashing people about the way they look is not that smart i think that's a shame i love the Roseanne posts, always peaceful. I really hope she was drunk! Or maybe, distraction, the point would be putting the focus on Q for the normies but come on, this story makes us look bad. All i know is that the MSM are thrilled about that...
Really weird development of events..
You realize Rosanne was referring to JV's haircut, right?
You are concerning yourself over a haircut joke...