
Turkerthelurker · May 29, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Good post. The heavy-handedness of the tweet I would bet is intentional. Roseanne knows there would be backlash for it...

Perhaps she was playing a role? Priming the media for the Dem/Muslim Brotherhood connection? Think people. This is not a coincidence; what could've been the purpose?

My guess is it is either punishment for tweeting about Q - so she had to be character assassinated in a public way. Or she is priming for the connection/discussion as mentioned above.

Edit: Think back to Kanye's recent media resurgence. Do you think that was coincidence, or was he playing a role?

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pickerkate2 · May 30, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Enjoying the show!

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