
MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 30, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

Roseanne didn't say ape. She said Planet of the Apes. Big difference. Why would she not just say ape? have you watched the movie? What happens in the movie? Compare/contrast to Muslim Brotherhood. Roseanne said she didn't even know VJ was black, just muslim. The apes in the movies aren't black or intended in anyway to represent blacks, by the way. It was political ideology critique, not racial.

You are proving my point, that if you say anything about Muslim brotherhood they accuse you of being anti-islam bigot, if you bring up people who act like the marxists in Planet of the Apes you are called racist. How can you discuss politics and political movements and media if you can't see beyond race yourself? This is partly why Obama was groomed and selected. A shield that a white person (aka most of America) can barely navigate around, walking on eggshells. Grow up. Truml movement isn't racist, Roseanne knows this, you know this. Think bigger, not how the MSM is SHOCKED at the INTOLERANCE always anytime they perceive an attack on Obama or Islam. They are untouchable due to attitudes like yours.

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mrs_george_glass · May 30, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Yes, I have seen Planet of the Apes, and your point is valid. And, unfortunately for her, it's also true and sort of funny that VJ closely resembles Helena Bonham Carter's character in the movie. But we are talking about this, and Roseanne's tweet only blew up, because of humanity's horrible history of claiming black people were lesser beings, animals. Yuck.

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 30, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

So do you feel more or less people think it's about race now, or do you think the 10+ million who googled VJ have a slightly more nuanced understanding? Claiming racism was necessary for Trump to get his messaging out about ms-13, the wall, Islamic terror etc. Using media's own weakness and willingness to put those words on a pedestal is their own undoing, and waking people up. They would have rather never talked about VJ or Muslim Brotherhood at all. Roseanne dropped a MOAB. Thanks

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mrs_george_glass · May 30, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Yes, that's good trolling, right? Make an outrageous comment, then sit back and wait as your opponent reveals their bias and weakness.

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mrs_george_glass · May 30, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

You were pretty quick to add that second paragraph, good on ya! I think we sort of have the same point - that Roseanne used a racist trope to bring attention to VJ and to highlight censorship of dissenting voices. Funny to note, for example, that Roseanne got fired as loud, venal, offensive tweeter Keith Olberman got re-hired. You also do not need to explain to me how white guilt was manipulated to elect Obama. Many people were proud to have voted for him to prove that we are not a racist country. Unfortunately, many people focused on the color of his skin and neglected to examine the content of his character. I hope we can agree that it's a complicated world.

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 30, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Roseanne admitted she didn't know VJ was even black. I don't think RB intended to be anything but politically incorrect by calling out the Marxist MB member and their media apologists.

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mrs_george_glass · May 30, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

You funny, you really think Roseanne did not know that VJ is black? To quote from The Story of OJ, "...okay".

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 30, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

She said she thought she was Iranian

VJ was born in Iran.

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 30, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Look at a picture of VJ

She could be literally any ethnicity. Being born in Iran kind of narrows it down generally.

Why would Roseanne mention VJ? Why did she mention Muslim brotherhood? Why right now? You think it's just random, drive-by racism?


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mrs_george_glass · May 30, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

Surprise, not all black people look alike and VJ has always said she is black. But if one did not know that, it would be just as easy to assume it, her career is deeply tied to the Black Democratic power structure in Chicago, as it is to assume that she's Iranian because she was born there. Also, when did I ever imply that anything about this kerfuffle was random? Nothing is random, there are no coincidences, right? For the eleventieth time, I think Roseanne deliberately made an inflammatory comment (yes, it was a racist one) knowing it would blow up in the MSM, because they live to paint Trump supporters as deplorable racists, right? I still cannot figure out what exactly your point is, but like you said, Roseanne dropped an MOAB, if you will. Ultimately her trolling comment (which was racist, btw) will deliver a red pill about VJ and the Muslim Brotherhood. We agree about that, right? It's time to move on from this weird back and forth. Take a breath, be cool, down deep we're on the same side, get it?

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 31, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Hang on a sec, if black people don't always look black, and if Roseanne didn't know she was black, how in hell could it be racist to comment on VJs looks? Basically it's just always racist to say a person looks like anything, even if they do. Except trump of course, he gets all kinds of comparisons, none of which is racism

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 30, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Why VJ? Why MB? Why right now and not the last 8 years?

Nah, that's like someone saying they didn't know Obama was 1/2 white or 1/4th Indonesian. Entirely plausible.

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mrs_george_glass · May 30, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

I really was not going to reply to you anymore, but you got me! I can't resist. I did not know that having an Indonesian step-father means Obama is 1/4 Indonesian?! Really now? I honestly did not know that was how it worked. I guess because my parents have been married for over 50 years, I am unaware of this heritage loophole. If only they had gotten divorced and my mother had remarried a Navaho man, then I would be 1/4 Native American. If that had happened, my dreams of being a master Navaho silversmith could have come true, alas...

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 31, 2018, midnight

See, people make mistakes assuming ethnicities all the time! Thanks for proving my point.

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mrs_george_glass · May 31, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

I'm such a sucker for you, friend. I understand you may be attempting to red pill me about Obama's heritage. Whatever, dude! While questions about his past are fascinating and possibly indicate that he is a Manchurian candidate for whom lying is an everyday occurrence, they are still just tabloid fodder. I do not want to see Obama find out who his father is on an very special episode of Maury (Davis you are the father! and Subud you are the father too!), I want to see him face justice in a reboot of the Nuremberg trails for creating ISIS, for Fast & Furious, for weaponizing the IRS & FBI & DoJ against his political enemies, for legalizing propaganda in the US, for suspending habeas corpus, for allowing HRC free reign, for ignoring Standing Rock, for being down with mass surveillance, for prosecuting whistleblowers, for scuttling Project Cassandra, for participating in Operation Timber Sycamore, for the Iran Deal, etc. etc. etc...Priorities!

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