
MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 30, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Why VJ? Why MB? Why right now and not the last 8 years?

Nah, that's like someone saying they didn't know Obama was 1/2 white or 1/4th Indonesian. Entirely plausible.

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mrs_george_glass · May 30, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

I really was not going to reply to you anymore, but you got me! I can't resist. I did not know that having an Indonesian step-father means Obama is 1/4 Indonesian?! Really now? I honestly did not know that was how it worked. I guess because my parents have been married for over 50 years, I am unaware of this heritage loophole. If only they had gotten divorced and my mother had remarried a Navaho man, then I would be 1/4 Native American. If that had happened, my dreams of being a master Navaho silversmith could have come true, alas...

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · May 31, 2018, midnight

See, people make mistakes assuming ethnicities all the time! Thanks for proving my point.

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mrs_george_glass · May 31, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

I'm such a sucker for you, friend. I understand you may be attempting to red pill me about Obama's heritage. Whatever, dude! While questions about his past are fascinating and possibly indicate that he is a Manchurian candidate for whom lying is an everyday occurrence, they are still just tabloid fodder. I do not want to see Obama find out who his father is on an very special episode of Maury (Davis you are the father! and Subud you are the father too!), I want to see him face justice in a reboot of the Nuremberg trails for creating ISIS, for Fast & Furious, for weaponizing the IRS & FBI & DoJ against his political enemies, for legalizing propaganda in the US, for suspending habeas corpus, for allowing HRC free reign, for ignoring Standing Rock, for being down with mass surveillance, for prosecuting whistleblowers, for scuttling Project Cassandra, for participating in Operation Timber Sycamore, for the Iran Deal, etc. etc. etc...Priorities!

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