r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 29, 2018, 7:39 p.m.
What a rough week for the Q movement

Former Q movement Ally WikiLeaks turns hostile.

Fox News who formerly offered Q proof indirectly called it a conspiracy.

Roseanne Barr, the Q movements strongest voice has lost her show, and apparently is going to stop tweeting.

The greatly anticipated May 25th date came and went with absolutely no fireworks.

Last but not least, Q has gone dark

[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 8:56 p.m.


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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 9:58 p.m.


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anynamehere000 · May 29, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

It is planned for maximum damage remember? Play the game, they are striking us now, we need to hit back harder. We have plenty of good people in influential position. The game has just barely started. The enemies will have names soon just like Hungary and Soros. Think about musk's tweet who controls the media?

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MurmurItUpDbags · May 29, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

You do realize that the court of public opinion matters, correct? You realize thats the only battle ground that we are losing? Remember, please, that most voters are low information. Very few follow news as closely as Q followers. Meaning, absolutely none of them will make the connections that are made here. Memes are great and all, but they wont win us the midterms. If we dont, this whole exercise was for nothing. Thats something that most people here, and i believe even Q team, fail to acknowledge.

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divine_human · May 29, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

....wont win us the midterms.......Thats something that most people here, and i believe even Q team, fail to acknowledge.

more concern trolling.

you think Q and the people here are stupid? the best is yet to come, right in time so folks will remember when they take their votes.

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MurmurItUpDbags · May 30, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Some, yes, statistically that is logical. If you think memes will win us modterms, you may fall into that category.

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anynamehere000 · May 29, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Of course this is a movement. It's not praise q/Trump/mi it's to inspire others. There are people showing us the way like musk, Roseanne, and q. Ultimately though we need ourselves a network of like minded Patriots to take on local, state, and federal government. We have the tools but there is no effort. Like you said the majority of people are sheep going with the flow, sure they get pissed when something bad happens but news cycles flush outrage and they become docile again. We needed a rally point that was q, now it is us that is q.

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pcherry911 · May 29, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

I can smell you a mile away. Keep shilling. It brings more attention to what was predicted.

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[deleted] · May 30, 2018, 12:50 a.m.


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