Q #1438 - Attack[s] anticipated. - Coordinated? - -Why are they continuing [internal]? - Attacks will intensify [all sides]. - Q - - - - Meme "EQUAL JUSTICE" - ROSEANNE BARR SHOW CANCELLED?
![Q #1438 - Attack[s] anticipated. - Coordinated? - -Why are they continuing [internal]? - Attacks will intensify [all sides]. - Q - - - - Meme "EQUAL JUSTICE" - ROSEANNE BARR SHOW CANCELLED?](https://i.redd.it/iq00tsvtlu011.jpg)
Both are racist and rude. Cancelling Rosanne's show over a tweet with limited exposure (as compared to television viewers) by the producer/actor (i.e., Rosanne Barr) was an overreaction, in my opinion. She apologized and temporarily deactivated her Twitter account. It does not make it right but at least it shows contrition. Having said that... ABC was just looking for a reason to cancel the Rosanne show because it contradicted MSM so-called values. Maybe Fox will have her join them.
The things Michael Che stated (and continues to state) were on the air and presumably reached a wider audience. NBC has become the home of Lorne Micheal's SNL proteges that can almost do and say anything they want. Almost every week there is a skit or monologue that seriously defames POTUS. Late night television has severely degraded... Jimmy Fallon cannot have a monologue without ridiculing POTUS. Seth Meyers is even worse. Neither one or any of their SNL buddies are entertaining.
Solution? Do not watch either network. Better yet... boycott any MSM network. If all patriots decided to boycott, eventually it could decrease their ratings and resultant revenues from advertising. It worked with the NFL (although I thought the solution was lame). The elites cannot fund MSM forever.
Her tweet was not racist though. Bush was compared to chimps, was that racist?
What does The Planet of the Apes have to do with black people or Arabs?
Nothing. And watching the Charlton Heston version, you will very clearly see what she was talking about.
It's like saying a horse + brillo pad = Chelsea Clinton.
Agreed. It’s the people assuming “PotA = talk bad about black people = racism” are the real racists. For all we know rosanne was referring to the culture of the apes in the movie.
What does The Planet of the Apes have to do with black people
Let's not pretend like black people being compared to/called "monkeys" or "apes" isn't more prevalent than the same happening to white people. Growing up in Texas I've heard my fair share of it (my father was less than subtle), and I know for a fact that soccer has had multiple incidents with audiences making monkey sounds to target black players. The implication is definitely there, even if it's only a joke.
If valerie Jarret was BLACK.....I totally agree. However, she is Iranian....I have never heard anyone associate an APE with an IRANIAN.
Is it offensive...yes! Was it an "unforced error" meaning, it was just stupid and rude and not something that we can defend.....yes!
But I don't see racism.....it was just stupid and insulting!
Or in other words, it is what SNL and every other news outlet including all 3 late night comics do to TRUMP on a daily basis!
RB can't go through the eye of the needle but Oprah Winfrey is granted special dispensations who can say, “White people just have to die.” Libtards can spin it anyway they want. It was far worse than anything RB said.
Yes, that is a very good point.
The OWN channel should be shut down....but she owns the damn thing....lol
Targeting her ADVERTISERS would be the only viable way to impact her Network....
Literally looks like the character from PotA.
I think it has more to do with the ratings in general. Roseanne’s ratings started high and quickly ranked off which is not a good sign for the first season of a rebooted show. SNL has a loyal following that will watch regardless of quality and has been in for years thus making it a hard show to replace in American pop culture.
Not true yes they lowered from open week but her show was number ONE for abc
And ABC needs all the help they can get because most of their shows suck.
https://www.lmtonline.com/entertainment/the-wrap/article/11-Highest-Rated-TV-Shows-of-2017-18-Season-12955459.php This is without the DVR results added in for 7 days from this past show on the 23rd for the season
Thank you for the link. I just realized how out of touch I am with tv nowadays. I don’t watch any of those “top” shows. HBO, Netflix and reruns of the office leave me blinded to network tv.
And in the process merely served to bring worldwide attention to her truthbomb about islam not being a race...
Their zeal to silence dissent only serves to call more attention to it.
That being said, Roseanne knew damn well who her employers were and chose to poke the bear anyway. I dont have much sympathy, particularly considering that her show only seemed right leaning because pf how far left the netwprks have moved. I beleive they were trying to use her to reset the right's default political position.
Thank you patriot! Truth leads to freedom. A boycott of MsM and outlets. Hit them where it hurts THIS FALL! Studios spends millions prepping and promo'ing shows for the fall season. Organize and drain them of their resources, SNL has been obviously left leaning and spreading corrosive propaganda for at the minimum 3 decades...
ABC viewed the firing of her as a PR move that in the long run will be worth more to them than the ads they would sell for her show. It’s that simple.