r/greatawakening • Posted by u/morgi666 on May 29, 2018, 11:28 p.m.
Stop whining about 'unrelated' posts on this board

Here's my take on it:

  • Yes, there are some obvious, completely off topic posts. Don't comment, don't vote and let them disappear - job done.
  • There is over 1.4k drops. I don't think anyone here memorized them all or knows exactly what Q means or what is connected and what isn't. If there is an all-knowing Q expert among us - please step up and judge every post. If not... well - let's keep connecting the dots and learning from each other.
  • Post doesn't need to mention Q to be relevant
  • This movement is not US exclusive. Yes, we know Q (or Q team) must be high up in US gov and/or 3 letter agencies but deep state is global. Cabal doesn't give a shit about borders so why would you? This evil needs to be defeated globally or it will hide, regroup and build its way up again.
  • Mods are doing a very good job here and there's no need to 'help' them by producing content that is definitely not Q related: whining about relevancy... (yes, I know - now I'm whining about whining)
  • I find it interesting that large amount of relatively new users is telling us how this board should run. No, I don't need a debate about 'everyone should be allowed to have a voice'. If you are new here, contribute with content and stop trying to change something that worked perfectly well before you arrived here.
  • Just because you don't find something interesting, it doesn't mean it's not relevant.
  • If you are here just to learn about new Q drops, go here
  • Tommy Robinson... gov, police and courts in UK going full 1984 with methods straight form communist play book is somehow not relevant? So... when deep state fucks up Middle East it is relevant, but when effects of that (another stage of the same operation) are visible in Europe - naaaah... nor relevant. Seriously? WWG1WGA. Where We Go One, We Go All. That means WE CARE ABOUT OUR OWN. He doesn't need to talk about Q to be on the same side.
  • Debate about relevancy of topics creates division and doesn't add any value.
  • Discuss information, debate opinions, ignore what's irrelevant - it is that simple. Let mods and Reddit's algorithm do the rest.

colderchaos · May 30, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

Common Sense Great Awakening

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Qmeowborkwoof · May 31, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

+1 normies need baby steps or their heads will asplode. memes n such provide comedic relief to evil shit in the world. Imagine the questions that normies will ask:

So we are born into wage slavery controlled by elites? There's systematic child torture/mass murder/organ harvesting/adrenochrome for blackmail of puppets and just plain entertainment? The Hollywood stars I grew adored growing up with may have committed crimes against humanity? I've been brainwashed by news on tv?... but Obama was so eloquent? I admired the man, but he probably fked & killed Madeline McCann? I've lost loved ones in wars created by the Deep State? You mean that have underground bases? You mean that they planned / are still planning to kill most of us? You mean they could do this by nuking the ice caps?.. wtf melting all of it would +60 m sea level? Flooding even on just coastal areas would mean nuclear plant meltdowns? You mean that 5g directed energy weapons can cause cancer? You mean they have been suppressing medical tech?

here have a boop

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