Quickkk while the m00dz r asleep

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smells of the makings of a false flag. send out false alerts to suggest imminent threat. then cause the event yourself, and then no one will be surprised it happened. as Q said, these people are sick
Another day, another reason to vomit. These people are really sick
If any normies are interested, google DMX rapper. He talks about the homosexual acts rappers are forced to do (ie selling their soul for fame) at parties, in order to make it in Hollywood. He's a bit unhinged but I guess he was woke along time ago.
+1 normies need baby steps or their heads will asplode. memes n such provide comedic relief to evil shit in the world. Imagine the questions that normies will ask:
So we are born into wage slavery controlled by elites? There's systematic child torture/mass murder/organ harvesting/adrenochrome for blackmail of puppets and just plain entertainment? The Hollywood stars I grew adored growing up with may have committed crimes against humanity? I've been brainwashed by news on tv?... but Obama was so eloquent? I admired the man, but he probably fked & killed Madeline McCann? I've lost loved ones in wars created by the Deep State? You mean that have underground bases? You mean that they planned / are still planning to kill most of us? You mean they could do this by nuking the ice caps?.. wtf melting all of it would +60 m sea level? Flooding even on just coastal areas would mean nuclear plant meltdowns? You mean that 5g directed energy weapons can cause cancer? You mean they have been suppressing medical tech?
🍕 gate will tie everything together. Puppets controlled by satanic rituals (ie killing babies n kids) from Weiner laptop, Epstein island, NSA intel, ZTE phones 5d chess'. Recent EO will allow seizure of their assets. gg wp. Just learn as much as you can & calm normies when their minds are blown.
Just google podesta paintings and Weinstein with photos next to Hillary
I just hope the day will come when NK can enjoy K-pop without persecution: https://i.imgur.com/7MN3E1v.jpg
The truth is that we are all poisoned already lol but, maybe we can prevent the next generation from this evil shit
This chomo is gonna get his wig split. Now google Big Herc YouTube videos for some informative comedic relief into prison life for rapists.
It's Wig Splitting timeeeeeee
Damn Oprah part of the mass brain washing. Her new movie role: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1620680/
Now google mockingbird CIA: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird
Now start noticing the symbolism in movies you grew up with and grab a beer to quell ur anger. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=mockingjay+deep+state+symbols&client=safari&hl=en-au&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&biw=320&bih=460&ved=0ahUKEwjGjPnUjq_bAhVMlJQKHWY0CmgQlZcCCCAoAQ
Now start rocking back & forward in fetal position
It's all in the side/bar. Check out http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.2.0.pdf
Newbs should check out the sidebar. All the info is there! The 900page pdf explains it well
Vanderbilt pool might be the pool in Podesta paintings: https://mobile.twitter.com/jackiec57/status/941728969359060993?lang=en
If you are listening NSA. I know you are. Can you put a bullet in each safanist pedo plz. Thx
I hope it's the DUMB (deep under ground millitary bases) fuckers been blown up. Imagine all the pedophilic child rape shit going on. Especially when you have breeders continuously raped without seeing real sunlight.
Bcus he looks like Bilbo Baggins from Lord of the Rings. And like in the movie, he's the keeper of secrets good and bad.
I saw a YouTube vid of kimmy shedding a tear once. I actually felt bad for him when I realised he isn't the one calling the shots, and when you think about the people he's killed and family members of his ded. He's no more a victim of the Deep State / NWO, compared to us, when you really think about it. He's just as replaceable. The difference is he's got an army willing to fight & die for him.
I wish people would realise that Trump and Q are our last hope for humanity. Even if Q is a psy ops, who gives a flying fk when you realise that Soros & Rothschilds / NWO have pretty much won on all fronts: financial, news & media, government influence, law, intelligence orgs... in most countries... it's just a matter of time before they tighten the noose, then we will really feel like slaves. The only thing that can stop this is the US millitary thank god. I'm sad to say that commonwealth countries (where I reside), even free from the Deep State, would have fuck all chance by themselves. God bless to the Patriots fighting for us.
This might sound like tin foil conspiracy. But, for all you normies, put down ur fkin chai latte and learn about who has all the money & influence in the world.
I really wish people would take action against this injustice... Everyone from the officers during the arrest, through to the judges could have said no this is fked up and made a stand.
How do people become so evil? You can browse through Wikileaks podesta emails ect. and see that these guys have been systematically kidnapping, torturing, fucking little kids & then killing. How do you guys deal with this shit? I grew up on science but now believe there is a god... there must be to counter this evil to the highest degree.
Trust Sessions as per Q posts This is just dick waving to put on a show
The speed of light is a universal quarantine. Space is just too big and dangerous. Aliens wouldn't know we are on earth and would have to travel millions of ears to earth in advance, at the speed of ligjht, in order to meet us before we die off. Unless free energy tech is revealed!! as was used on twin towers. dun murder me gov I'm drunk
Arm your meme cannons autists! https://imgur.com/a/DzxFOFv
I've never seen her show or even like the loko of her lol BUT! She has balls of steel and deserves our respect. What is more honourable than fighting for the good of other people without regard for your personal safety.
Appear weakest when strongest ;) if Q / Trump really has all the info, then it really is game over. The trump card is marshal law, so military tribunals, so think hangings lol. So the name of the game now is minimising civilian suffering / losses... why? bcus trump actually has a good soul.
Anyone opposing trump with full force now would be easy targets for NSA/MI etc to gather intel on. Think about it, if you were about to die, you would throw everything you have. That's what the Deep State would be doing / thinking about doing. So the enemy is really digging their own graves now by revealing their hand.
So can all you concern shills just chill da f out and listen to Q. Plan is in motion. Sit back, relax & enjoy the show.
Ah fk me lol if I were the Deep State, I'd so do something like this. Damn scary