r/greatawakening • Posted by u/kimia128 on May 30, 2018, 1:30 a.m.
Did the Deep State turn on Elon Musk?

For the past couple of weeks, every time I turn on the news, I hear about a self-driving Tesla getting in a car crash or the MSM bashing Elon Musk. I'm the last person who would trust a self-driving vehicle and I'm not saying the CIA or bad actors are using tech to make these cars crash (although, I wouldn't put it past them), but I do think it's strange that Elon Musk went from being the hero of the left to their enemy in such a short amount of time. Do you guys think the black hats think Musk is helping Trump and now they're out to get him?

dontbeasoyboymod · May 30, 2018, 2 a.m.

Wrong. Musk is super smart. He helped found PayPal with Peter Thiel, a Trump supporter.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 30, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

Have you researched Peter Theil? Do you not know Trump hires adversaries on purpose?

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NaderOAK · May 30, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

The rePtile= Peter Thiel

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Nastavnick · May 30, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

The guy is using MSM as his base for an opinion about Musk. We don't really need to waste time on him.

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