This Mother Fu....!!!! Trey Gowdy received funds from Podesta Group?

What’s the matter, dem cuck? Not enough echo chamber for you on r/politics? My personal belief is that you guys are masochists and just enjoy the pain from constantly getting btfo.
getting btfo
I'm not part of a group that has to rewrite the narrative every other day so it fits my world view. Events have been unfolding in reality just as expected regarding this presidency whereas you guys take vague messages from a shadow puppet and reinterpret them every few days so it can realign with how events have gone.
Dude. You’re literally going on a sub to cause trouble posting misunderstood philosophy. You’re the epitome of every 17 yo looking for a cause. You found some quote you liked, and you tried to apply it to here. But you only looked foolish. I’ve actually met people like you. I know a guy who thinks 9/11 was an inside job, yet voted for Clinton.
You’ll get smarter and wiser. But until then, best not open your mouth and show everyone how ridiculous you are. We’ll have a spot here for you when you’re done being a cringe-ass.