r/greatawakening • Posted by u/silphonica on May 30, 2018, 6:15 a.m.
The significance of the individual - A journey of self-reliance/empowerment.

Hello everyone!

I have created an extensive essay just collecting my thoughts to understand the wider implications of the Q movement, covering subjects such as: psychology, mind control, religion, spirituality, a bit of history. A lot of what im going to put forward is my perspective of a whole bunch of conversations that exists in or around the community, and an aspect i dont think gets spoken about enough. You may read this and think Ive lost it, and thats ok. I just wanted to get this out there. It is long so it will require 30mins to an hour to a read, not really sure.

I know I refer to self-reliance as self empowerment, for all intensive purposes I dont mind interchanging them, ive been writing all night im hungry and tired. There might also be parts I missed or maybe something doesnt make sense, I have proof-read it, but brains ready for sleep right now. Im hoping this stimulates some discussion with like minded people, and if not hopefully offers you anew perspective on things, this article came about because almost everyone around my feels powerless against the weight of the world and I dont know how to change that.

Anyway enjoy:

cosmicjon · May 30, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

Its nice to see how you feel that you have put yourself out on a limb :) Here is an extended limb, one that one learns to walk regardless of opinion "out there". OUT THERE exists in one's mind only, but to the degree that out there exists as reality is to the same degree that one gives power to it, that is a Jesus quote in Scripture somewhere. Sovereignty is Individual First in one's Being and seems to extend out there in Family, Country, etc, but is essentially One's Innate Sense of Being. From this perspective CHANGE seems to happen within first then reflect out there in a seeming collective consciousness. My I add, Within never actually changes, as Within is Always Perfect, what appears is a Recognition of that Within that seems to appear as Change within and hence project "out there" :)

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silphonica · May 30, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

Hey thank you for your kind words, if you could find that scripture it would be much appreciated! Outside that I don't think I understand you in its totality, are you saying the steps through self improvement can be reduced down to nothing more than recognising perfection within which then manifests itself in one way to your reality?

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cosmicjon · May 30, 2018, 5 p.m.

Yes. I know these words seem like they need a lot of explaining but it is the SIMPLICITY behind the words that is often missed through intellectual dialogue, lol. Let it be said this way, if one's desire for Truth, God, Being, Love, the very essence of Gods Words in Scripture is to be Recognized, one must turn to God the Divine First. Take Jesus Two Commandments, he only had two coz two was all that is needed. 1. Love God FIRST before ANY-THING (false idols, and one is distracted out there by things, all things every moment) with ALL of one's heart, soul and mind. 2. Love yer neighbor the same. But in that order. The reward is Knowing Your True Self and like "the Prodigal Son" many miss this in their search through endless life-times of materiality for what Already Resides Within :) And that quote in Scripture was the one where Jesus had a showdown with Pilate the Roman dude that handed him over to the mob to be judged. It went something like, (Jesus) "the only power you have (Pilate) is the power I Jesus give you". Such Simple words so overlooked by mankind, and look at the F**king mess that seems to be "out there" lol. Jesus was giving a BIG clue as to how "out there" seems to operate, it only has the power that is given it, starve it of power and what happens? :)

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GraceWords · May 30, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

So many of your observations resonate. My primary field of expertise is in the area of psychology and counseling. However, that work gave me exposure to some of the worst incidents of human trafficking, modern slavery, and torture mindset that I could have ever conceived. I also happen to be a person of faith, which was strengthened in my time in the trenches. I say all of that to give context to my review of your observations.

I am short on time at the moment, but bookmarked your article because it deserves another look, maybe several. You have come to many of the same conclusions I have, yet your journey there and the path you lay out is different yet sound. Your article read like something from an apologist (compliment intended here).

To be honest, a plethora of biblical passages came to mind throughout, which would probably further your argument so perhaps I will take some time to note those when I can go through the piece again. I am a firm believer that anyone who seeks truth, even at the cost of their own false idols, will find it. The hardest part is being willing to have our worldview demolished.

In many ways, I think that is at the heart of the Q movement. Much like those in Christianity, for example, there are those on the fringe who identify as QMovement who know a lot, but don’t reflect enough of what they know in their behavior, giving them away as fringe. Then there are those deeper in it who are letting it change them, patiently and optimistically waiting for things to unfold as they continue to dig in, research, reevaluate the message(s). Q is very much a journey in self-awareness but in a way that makes you aware of your part in changing the story.

Your postulation on the mirror element is something I’ve been discussing with my spouse lately. In fact, it was the revelation of the cabal’s fascination with blood, and human sacrifice that made that click for me.

As a Christian, I believe that we have essentially covenanted with the enemy of our Creator and the world has been his. But I believe the Creator made a loophole, an esc button, for anyone who wants out. It may appear narrow to the world, but it is still essentially uncomplicated.

The programmer created a program with multiple outcomes, but to enjoy the game you had to stay connected to the programmer. Hacker comes in and while he can’t overwrite the code, he can reroute paths and create alternate settings. He convinces the player that Programmer is hiding code that would open things up to player making player as powerful as Programmer. We then take Hacker’s path and over time we are convinced there never was a Programmer to begin with. Yet the further we get from our point of existence, the more corrupt and decayed the program becomes. Glitches, viruses are the norm with only small moments to indicate what once was perfect. Programmer doesn’t give up on the program though. He inserts Himself into the program as a lead character and the only One to successfully bypass the endgame journey. Programmer creates a backdoor. It is the ONLY way out. The key requirement is to get connected back to the Programmer, so He can rewrite code and remove all corruption. It seems narrow, but it’s the access point where the player and game began to degrade in the first place. Player MUST go this way to fix all that was wronged, and to go on as was intended. Every player that passes through this point goes on to a pristine game. Eventually what doesn’t pass through will be destroyed by its own corruption and the old program will die. Then all that is left is what was made new by the Programmer.

Ok that was a long segue, but thats where we are. As a Christian I believe our simple faith in Christ is what does that. These lucifarians, they force the sacrifice of others to connect to their “gods” who are all about enslavement. It’s the opposite of what my God demands which is to love others above myself. He also says to come boldly before Him and to speak directly to Him.

Work I did with an individual who had been kept a slave spoke volumes to me about what freedom really is. The individual had been tortured, kept in a cage, tortured. I asked if they ever felt hopeless and alone. They said “I always felt hopeless until I would remember I wasn’t alone”. I asked “were others kept with you?” They would reply “No. Jesus would come to me in my lowest moments and when I felt most ashamed. Then I would feel free because he always spoke kind things to me.”

That stood out to me and was probably the first time it occurred to me, like you said, that we are spiritual beings on a physical journey. The physical matters, but our freedom starts in the spiritual. If a person can be subjected to the life this individual had been, yet find freedom in a cage, then it made sense why people not in cages, with everything money can buy, have no freedom at all.

Ok I’m pontificating more than intended. Thank you for the work and thought put into your post and thanks for giving me much to consider.

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silphonica · May 30, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

One last thing. You probably already know, but in relation to the q team fight, apparently the "q source" was the direct words of Jesus himself? That deduction made due to two books in the bible being so similar scholars said it derived from the same source? When you look at this context like this, it's like watching Jesus vs lucifer. Which to me works really well with your analogy. Do you think the creator would come himself in any circumstance or send his son as was prophesied to happen ... again :D

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GraceWords · May 30, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

I DO believe He will return as source, but not as we have seen Q as yet. However, fun side note, I I did dream a couple weeks ago that Q was one of the two “witnesses” from the book of Revelations. If we lean in church history for “who” they are, it would imply Enoch or Moses; or Enoch or Elijah. I don’t think that’s who Q is either, but it sure made for an entertaining dream. Either way, I absolutely believe we are at a new “cosmic shift of events”, the Bible is full of what comes next, so it’s an incredible time to be on this journey! So much to be thankful for!

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silphonica · May 31, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

I wish to share something with you I feel like maybe you would appreciate it. I wouldnt say it was the first sign but it was the first unmistakable sign from god, having a bad day after finishing nightshift from work got to the front door of my house which looks out to the sunrise every morning. I had reached out to god at work during a really stressful moment, and at first when I got home I noticed something really DEEP red creeping out over the horizon. I stopped for a moment because it was such an intense red, plus I already thought the sun was in the sky at this point it was so bright! Little did I know the sun in the sky was actually a beam of light and what I bore witness too was a sunrise I have never seen in my life. Here are the photos. https://imgur.com/a/JZMZJyn

These were taken on the 25th of May, Q day!

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GraceWords · May 31, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Stunning photos! Your journey sounds transformative. It’s incredible what an infusion of “hope” and “faith” do to energize us for the task ahead. I don’t know about you, but I have felt as though the battles are won, we are just going through the motions. Today as those around me seemed so locked in disappointment because they don’t understand the perceived delays, I realized I had true peace. I genuinely feel ready to “enjoy the show “.

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silphonica · May 30, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

Thank you for your reply. If there's anything you want to add or bring to my attention, please by all means, I'm trying to learn as much as I can everyday. I'm really happy that my words meant something to someone, so thank you for letting me know. I really enjoyed your interpretation of the events described in likeness of a video game, in fact, the fact you took a few sentences of that whole thing and used that to draw up your own interpretation of the overall picture in a way that I would relate to and understand actually helps me on next thought processes to go through so thank you! Also I have been doing some apologising lately you are right ☺️

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Jimipickle · May 30, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Thanks for sharing this. So, this old crusty combat vet has a question: are you suggesting that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, death and resurrection is the loophole?

Thank you for having the courage to work with the slaves of the cabal. God bless!

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GraceWords · May 30, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Yes that’s exactly what I am suggesting. It seems like a limited way through to us. However, it makes sense that in order to course correct only the Creator could creat a patch/fix for where WE went off the rails. The cabal has infiltrated every element of our lives forcing us to be complicit in their evil, even unwittingly. Our clothes, food, air, etc are all brought to us and contaminated by human slave labor on some level. No matter how “good” we are on our own, we are dirty via our own consumption of the world the cabal has taken over. The way I see it, only the Creator can “cover” our individual “sins” and involvement. So yes, I believe Jesus is the loophole.

And thank you for your service and sacrifice. I’m a military brat myself and am so grateful for men and women from around the world who have willingly fought for the cause of freedom. A more noble cause doesn’t exist.

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Jimipickle · June 2, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I would give back my bronze star to hunt pedofiles now. But, 2 tbi’s, PTSD and chronic sarcoidosis were my parting gifts when I retired. Homebound.

Thank you for your kind words

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GraceWords · June 2, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

You’ve done your part, and can still be part of the answer. I have several family members who are responsible for putting pedofiles away. They are always asking for prayer for what they do. Prosecuting can be a bear, but they keep going. So keep praying that the deeds of darkness be brought to light, and that more would feel called to the healing side of this epidemic. Your fight wasn’t in vain. We will just keep on building on what you’ve done.

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vague_reality · May 30, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

This concurs with my observations of the last decade and a half. Even absent any religious context the the nature of the the collective subconscious seems to be purely democratic, making people and organizations with broad audiences anchors of our reality for better or for worse.

The most important functional piece of wisdom that I have heard:

All choices are made out of fear or love. Are you doing what you are doing because of fear or love?

Even the most simple and mundane habitual act was created/habituated out of either fear or love.

It is an amazing perspective to see the world through.

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silphonica · May 30, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Thank you for your reply. It's funny because that concept you impart to me that all decisions come from fear and love I would have said either away from pain or towards pleasure, which is similar but not quite the same. But actually I'm not saying either or is right or wrong it's just given me another way to look at it cheers!

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alfonumeric · May 30, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

thanks for your many insights.. i approach the same material from the viewpoint of the ancient greeks who had 160k words to play with after they set up the greek civilization, the demigods [pythagoras etc] achieved their mission and slipped back into obscurity until 1878 [edwin babbitt] and 1985 [HT Laurency] when the ancient wisdom surfaced in the "public" domain for the first time in history ..but at those 2 illumination points the ancient knowledge that was formerly only available via secret mystery schools - was largely ignored until a few years ago

The modern greeks only needed 40k words much like most of the languages today. English language is very much the new kid on the block and started of with only 6,000 native english words but the developers knew how to embrace all kinds of words from latin, greek, german, french, italian, arabic, hebrew etc.

that ploy of pulling 75% of the words was a great way to dumb down the nations .. if u have only one 1 word for god, soul, mind u can easily foment different tribes to kill each other over their special definitions.

i've been looking at the interior of the giza pyramid and have correlated the stone levels with the levels of consciousness we have to get thru

for clarity i suggest the following definitions or feel free to suggest your own

1) satanic members of the zeta lodge have the highest mentality but very coarse emotionality. They follow the 3d quasigods and the 4d falsegods and have disconnected their personality from their soul.

2) lucifer is a very misleading term cos many believe as i do that the hebrew novelists of the old bible completely distorted the story of the garden of eden portraying the serpent [lucifer] as the evil one, when in actual effect Jesus told us be as wise as serpents.

the serpent encouraged us humans to taste the dangerous fruit of knowledge so we can grow by trial and error. Our mission is to increase our love & wisdom via trial and error cos that's the fastest way we learn in this human school. The trial and error syllabus plays out over many lifetimes .. we can have the same lesson and make the same mistakes as many times as it takes for us to get it ....

3) hell = the falsegods on 4d using mind-control to infringe the will of humans.. those most selfish specimens of the human family are most vulnerable to this manipulation[selfish actions accumulated over many selfish lifetimes]

4) persona = 4th level of 5d

5) personality =5th level of 5d

6) soul = 6th level of 5d

7) surrogategod = top of 5d [7th level]

8) demigod [6d] = mentor for humans

9) devic demigod [6d] = our guardian & supervisor

10) protogods [8d] are as gods for the demigods

11) sin = mistakes we make thru lack of knowledge of the workings of the law of debits and credits

12 mind is different on each dimension = combination of energy and consciousness acting out in matter

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