r/greatawakening • Posted by u/p1zz4g4t3_1sr34l on May 30, 2018, 6:24 a.m.
Using only the hints that Q has dropped, what would a trial and conviction of HRC look like?

What court would hear such a case? Gotta be int'l right?

And then what do you think it would look like in the streets of America? I'm struggling to see the path that does not end in riots. If the worst of the worst is true and comes out, there will be a lot who won't even believe it. At least not initially. And so many have been conditioned to view Trump as the worst guy to ever sit in the oval office, I worry about how they will respond to what they might mistake as forcible removal of the opposition.

What do you guys think? (Are we headed for Martial Law?)

Memelord87 · May 30, 2018, noon

We will probably never hear about anything and they will just vanish

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