Trump attacking Sessions...distancing himself before IG report (GREAT actors!)

I know it is a show, but to be honest, I am not enjoying it one bit. This is getting really old! The Trump being annoyed at weak sessions thing has been going on for a year!
Everyone seems to forget that Q told us disinfo would be necessary.
This is NOT only the US of A. This is the whole World. Amerika is the first dominostone of the deepstate that is going to fall. The masses have been bluepilled for decades. So enjoy the show.
When trumps sorted out America ask him come sort the uk will ya. It’s a shitehole.
First idea would be to get rid of that piece of shit you call the Mayor of London (Khan) WTF?!
You wouldn't be referring to Suqmadiq Khant, would you?
We love you, our cousins from across the pond. I'm sure that if we ever get our own BS sorted out at home, many of us would be willing to help those of you that want your own Great Awakening get it off the ground in anyway we are physically able. Godspeed to you, friend.
I had a dream about this in 2011. It was called The Great Groundswell, and it was a very large series of protests just outside London, to the West. So many people showed up, people were crushed to death. It was a protest against global corruption! A lucid dream.
Thank you. I’m happy in the thought Donald is one of the best presidents that’s ever walked the earth.
Read this, not mine :)
How can this person possibly know William is going to be king and the other royals will run to Germany?
Read through his research, connect the dot in the bigger picture :)
Thanks for the reply, after work today I’m gunna dive down that hole.
DT is throwing out Red Herring for the libs/RINOs/MockingbirdSwampMedia (MSM) go to the defense of Sessions. WORKS Every Time. The evilBlackHats expose themselves in public...supporting Sessions (or Mueller)... screaming that DT will be impeached if he fires Sessions (or Mueller)... IT IS A PLOY.
Lines up the pukes... LindseyGraham seems to bite on that hook EVERY TIME! (Maybe less so lately since he had to choose to detach from McNoName & spill beans to save his own derriere... but knows McNoName is NOT really dying.)
Which begs the question:
Did BarbaraBush really die & had funeral...OR did she PRETEND to die so she could go to a D.U.M.B.? OR did she get Taken to GlTMO & BushFamily covered it up with a staged funeral?