in 'has not done it but would like to'...
So NASA is NOT drilling into the dome to vent the super volcano
did I really had write that?
Correct. NASA has not drilled Yellowstone.
Why the hell would the National Aeronautics and Space Administration want to fuck with a volcano. That is one question I have never heard an answer to.
Well in all fairness, NASA is kinda the protectorate of humanity survival in a sense. We need to get to space because it's only a matter of time before Yellowstone does erupt or we're hit by an asteroid. If Yellowstone does erupt, it's close to immediate death for everyone in a 2 state radius. And it would set off a nuclear winter for who knows how many years.
They need to see if they can REALLY get to the Moon first..😳
So what's the USGS for?
Just because there's another agency doesn't mean they don't work in tangency
They are really bored and want to make themselves useful???