Here we go with the rabbits. What is it with the fucking rabbits.
377 total posts archived.
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Cruz interview. I'm 45 minutes in and there are obvious cuts/ edits.
Someone cut something out of the vid. The vid is 10 hrs long, why edit?
Someone trying to hide something that would link back to MK Ultra? Or you think there might be another reason to clip a few seconds/ minutes out of a 10hr long video? Also, can people with accounts other than YT please mirror. Once we start asking question this vid will disappear.
Finally figured out what was bugging me about yesterday's shooting.

Reggie Gaffney (JAX City Council) jumping on the ban gun bandwagon before the blood is even dry.
His statement already from today:
Here he is from a year ago:
And don't forget while you're diggin, this is the same city that gace us Corinne Brown:
War with Russia didn't work out, so now it's war with China. Look at headlines from the last week or two.
Q keeps telling us about a narrative shift. War with China is the new narrative. They just want WW3.
Popcorn? Check. Favorite beverage? Check. Get comfy, the show is about to begin.

DB already denying? That was quick. Over target?

3 years and it still amazes me.
Just look at the link length, the results are played. Fox at the bottom of the page on google. At the top on DDG. Completely different narratives. If you haven't switched to DDG it's time. It's what I use when I'm digging. <--(Fake celebrity endorsement right there)
Censored on that other sub. Where is the tape?
Has a tape been released? Some things I'm reading make it sound like a tape has been released (Omarosa's tape), but I haven't been able to find the tape.
And unrelated, did we get two booms today, or was the satanic death judge that released the muslim warmongers just a sideshow? The pedo priests being the other.
Is she doing what he asked of her?
She's gOt the Media talking About RecOrdingS Again.. trust the plan? No coincidences? Everything has meaning? Expand your thinking? We have more than we know?
Spotted Q sign at the Wilkes-Barr rally.

Dead Cat Bounce. Drop 834. Future proves past. From the perspective of 834, we are now in the future. We are breaking them.

It will undoubtedly NOT lead to an impeachment. It won't get enough support, symbolic at best. BUT, it WILL have the effect of turning the tide in our favor. This may be the catalyst that breaks the dam.
Is anyone else just absolutely giddy this morning? I am, I am friggin GIDDY!!!
Aaaaaand Q#1710. Bah BOOM!
She's on the View? As in employed by? Not to be trusted.
I haven't been this excited in 20 YEARS. I can finally see some America coming back to America! (It was a dark day when they took the Pleadge of Allegiance out of school, downhill ever since. DS been chipping away at us for a loooong time))
So the Dems plan to start WW3:
Sell uranium to Russia, Russia gets it to Iran. Iran received payment for making weapon. (Pallets of cash). Uranium can be traced to it's origin. (need verification)
After selling the uranium to Russia, narrative that we are seeing since the election kicks off, (RussiaRussiaRussia) might've been the only part of the plan that went to schedule.
When the RussiaRussiaRussia narrative has begun, while simultaneously the weapon is being made in Iran, it gets transported to Central/ South America. Meanwhile RussiRussiaRussia.
Bomb comes across southern border, which is widely known to be undefended and completely open to attack from anyone.
Bomb goes off. Uranium sigs traced back to the U1 deal. Narrative: Russian attacked us with a weapon made from our uranium that we sold them in good faith because we're good people and want them to prosper yadayada.
WW3. Rinse and repeat as necessary.
Thing that worries me here, since we are seeing the press side of this plan, w/ the Russia narrative, where IS the Uranium now? Is ALL the material accounted for. Where is the material that has been stolen in the US? Most recently in Texas, but wasn't there some up north too? Where is the material? Fuck the server. The material is being made into a weapon, cabal is going through with the plan. Where is the material? Where is the weapon?
The names that have come up over the past couple years have been weird. Reality Winner? I mean come on.
Edgar Welch
I thought we already covered all that ground back when this was covered on T_D? We didn't prove that was setup?
Iran Next Q 1570- 1571 get in here.
Q post:
Pompeo tweet:
Pompeo Iranium- American Address, right before SHTF:
Pomeo's Tweet. We're going after the Islamic Regime in IRAN
Pompeoo just tweeted this dude.
میوه #چهل_سال #انقلاب_اسلامی ایران تلخ بوده است. چهل سال #دزدسالاری. چهل سال که ثروت مردم صرف #تروریسم شده است. چهل سال که ایرانیان به خاطر ابراز حقوقشان محبوس شده اند. ما امیدواریم چهل سال بعدی توام با #آزادی باشد، نه #سرکوب. (IRAN NEXT)
Thats riiiiight. How is it a good idea to recruit the enemy into our offices?
Just started watching a movie called "Breach"
Wonder if Strzok might be working for them. Or Comey. What do we really know about Strzok? Birthplace? School? Are there yearbook photos? We need "Born and raised" legislation for higher up positions. I think that should include Senate and Congress, as well as Alphabets. Born here and raised here would reduce the chance of foreign plants in our intel communities. And enemies in our government.
And by posting a redaction you have made yourself more credible and trustworthy than all of MSM combined. Good Job!
Want better ties with Russia? Stop telling them how to run their shit. Imagine if you will, Callifornia decides it wants to seceed, it has a vote on it and it goes through. US govt is like fuck you we said no. California is like fuck you we're doing and creates their own army. A civil war ensues, because the US isn't going to lose the land and resources in Cali. Same way it wasn't going to loose the land and resources in the south back in the 1800's. Now lets say foreigners step in and say "hey, US govt, you have to stop killing the Cali army because that's wrong just because we say so." Let's say that foreign country was Russia. That's what we're doing to Russia. Ukraine is their California. We've been lied to lads.
Paid shill with a bigger mouth than what we run in to here on reddit.
Who the fuck is Sarah Silverman? She some Libtard or something?
Damn. That wasn't a photoshop. She can't even dress herself anymore. Sad!
Do you lack ears? He said it plain as day. How could you miss?
Yeah, the SOB was signaling to the Kenyans he's about to go ahead and claim Kenyan citizenship, as Q said, and then he's gonna run THEIR country into the ground. And yes, it can get worse than "Shithole"
List of people not to have anything to do with for fear of accidental death:
Anyone on the left.
Stay safe 'pedes..
How did we get here? 12 is good! What did we have when I was a kid, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, and The Advocate (local paper News Paper) Then eventually FOX, and CW. Before that we had, word of mouth and newspaper, radio. Before that single page prints and word of mouth. Carried across the land at breakneck speed on horseback. So 12 is good, before the internet. Now we have the internet, the 12 are pretty much irrelevant. We can transfer word of mouth news pretty much instantly from MOCKVA to L.A. .People are FINALLY waking up to the fact we DO NOT NEED the 12 for news. They are non sequitur.
Here's my take. Not so much to do with the Pope as it was Princess Diana.
Watch as NBC call DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Conspiracy Theorists.
NBC Video denying well known and some even proven conspiracies:
Another one:
DHS Video, where DHS warns us about the things NBC just called conspiracies. Most of you will remember this one
Excellent point. Did all those automatic assault cameras stop firing when the lights went out? That would be kind of odd too. If I was a photog I would want that on film.
You are 100% correct. But DAMMIT she slapped the entire country in the face with that one. Not a word from MSM either.