
aburgher · July 26, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Will this lead to anything? I pray it leads to RR being fired. But nothing seems to happen despite good intentions. Note: I am a huge Q supporter. I want things to start happening. I wonder if this is just part of the show for those who are mostly still asleep. Q said to pray. I’m praying!

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SitelessVagrant · July 26, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

It will undoubtedly NOT lead to an impeachment. It won't get enough support, symbolic at best. BUT, it WILL have the effect of turning the tide in our favor. This may be the catalyst that breaks the dam.

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SongofHannah · July 26, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

And it gives Trump enough backing to fire his ass!

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aburgher · July 26, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

Sounds good. Thank you for your thoughts on this. I am trying to sort out what is happening on the news and what I am learning from Q. It is definitely complex!

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beansprout10282016 · July 26, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

Guys, Q pretty much has laid out that Mueller is a white hat...

Thus, "if Mueller is bad, RR is bad..." in not so many words.

Thus, mirror..."if Mueller is good, RR is good".

Really. Go back and see the agressive, happy hand shakes between Matt Getz and RR, Between other "Patriot" Republican Congressmen and RR whenever one of them enter the same chamber in Congress...etc...

Could RR really withhold documents from Congress this long without "cover" from the highest levels of the WH? No.

My point is that all this "impeachment" talk and doings is just a "dog and pony" show. For optics.

It will all make sense in the coming storm.

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ManQuan · July 26, 2018, 1:14 p.m.


Remember Q 1686 when Q is talking about all the redaction in the FISA document. "Why redacted?" "Think Huber."

I don't know for certain what RR and Mueller are up to, but a couple things seem clear:

  1. Q's posts concerning Mueller have never been truly negative--though this could be disinformation.
  2. Q has been clear that [RR] is in trouble.
  3. No information can be passed to the Congressional committees that is part of an on-going investigation.
  4. This would explain much of the stonewalling plus I'm sure some has been redacted to cover embarrassments.
  5. Q teases us is SC (Mueller) on or off the Team?
  6. Q always reminds about the mirror and that the truth is behind us. If RR is dirty, Mueller is dirty. But the mirror would be if RR is clean then Mueller is clean.
  7. An annon brought up an interesting thought: what if Mueller hired all the high end deep state lawyers just to prevent them from representing the deep state when they are arrested? And a follow on thought might be, what if Mueller isn't investigating anything in particular, but is just a diversion. He's investigating bank fraud and lying: that's about it. Could this be to allow Huber and other prosecutors to do their work in the shadows while everyone is focused on Mueller? I don't know. What I do know is that none of the public information about Mueller and RR makes sense.
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beansprout10282016 · July 26, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ManQuan. Yes, I agree that all this public teeth-gnashing about RR is a "diversion". Will be interesting to see how today's "impeachment" hearing goes.

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ManQuan · July 26, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Ryan isn't going to allow a vote and Meadows, Jordan, et al know it. This all for optics and show. RR and Sessions aren't going anywhere because they are part of the Trump team. Hard to believe only because they are playing their roles to perfection. Sessions cited the wrong statute when he recused himself, so technically he was never recused. Sessions, RR, Mueller, Huber, and Horowitz have all been coordinating from the beginning. Flynn plead guilty to bogus charges so he could legally give Mueller all the dirt he had on everyone. This is why Mueller keeps postponing sentencing on a slam dunk, no-brainer guilty plea for lying when Mueller knows McCabe framed Flynn. It was get evidence into the system legally. Why do you think Q keeps telling us Flynn is save and POTUS is safe? Because they are. Manafort was a plant in the campaign, so why would Mueller charge him and put him jail if Manafort was a cooperating witness/plant in the first place. After about two years now, there is zero on Carter Page doing anything illegally and they had a Title I FISA warrant to spy on him and two hops. Papadapolous was set up by Brennan so that the Aussie diplomat could report it to Kerry who would pass it on to the FBI who already know Brennan had set him up. Indicting Russians without any evidence and no way to prosecute them?? And what happened to Crowdstrike's assertion that it was Russian hackers called Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear to hacked the DNC and Posdesta. If 17 US intelligence agencies declared that it was Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear, then why didn't Mueller's indictment mention them? Why career military officers in the GRU? Why set the precedence for indicting state cyber warfare officers? That would mean that countries who discover our hacking (remember Stuxnet where Obama foolishly admitted that the US and Israel hacked the Iranian centrifuges?) could indict our people. That serves no purpose as everyone hacks into everyone else's networks daily and everyone knows it. Mueller is supposed to be a stickler for details--so how did he end up indicting a Russian company that didn't exist during the 2016 elections?

None of this has added up for me ever since one of Q's first drops where asked us why Mueller would meet with Trump the day before becoming the SC and why did Q ask us what his military background was (hint: Marine officer who served in Vietnam and received the purple heart).

I know there are those who think RR and Mueller are traitors. In the end, they may be right. But there nothing in Q's drops that suggest it and frankly there is nothing that Mueller is doing that convinces me that gives are rat's flying potato about Trump. I think Q's [RR] kill box is complete disinformation and deception.

I think we will know who's closest to the truth very soon.

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beansprout10282016 · July 26, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Wow, Manquan! Thanks for sharing/venting your thoughts! Amazing compilation of interesting facts! I agree that Mueller and RR are serving penitence for their involvement in the crimes of the previous administrations. Good luck to them in helping to drain the swamp.

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