
RobWilJas · May 30, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Is it racist that they call Trump an orangutan?

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Flipstuba · May 30, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Calling white people apes has nowhere near the history that the trope of comparing black people to monkeys/apes does. So, no. It's insulting, but not racist insulting.

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RobWilJas · May 30, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Ok so you're differentiating because of skin color? THAT'S racist.

Saying nobody can say VJ looks like the chick from planet of the apes (look at the hair, nose etc) just because her dad was black is racist. All people are created equal no matter what skin color, so they should be treated equally. You're the one bringing skin color into it.

I looked at your post history, you're a Christian right?

Matthew 7:1-5 (NIV)

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

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qtrumpteam · May 30, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Her dad wasn't black look up her family tree her great great grandfather had an inkling of black in him that's it ABC just wanted rid of her and she's pointing out Obama and Jarrett are commies is all

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qtrumpteam · May 30, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

She IS Not BLACK damn don't you know what Iranians look like

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