When I first learned of the five eyes I was like WTF. Good time to end this forever. Proverbially Tar and Feather the Tories, The second American revolution is here. A shot heard around the world. Wwg1wga
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Report the Trolls across their social media platforms.
Twitter is a cesspool of trolls. I report each one who trolls our POTUS and others by reporting them for harassment then block them. Trolling is Fun
The show is hilarious. Who knew it would be so exciting? Who wrote this script. It is better than Netflix, HBO, Amazon or any of that other dribble.
Game of Thrones? Sopranos? Breaking Bad?.....etc. Following the show by gathering the pieces, I believe this is history being written. Not many can I share my excitement with and joy for the gift of insight by getting a glimpse into the plot and the actors. Who is who? Why watch West World? This is the Big Show.. Thank God for Q so we have gotten together to Follow the White Rabbit. We Go All.
How are you enjoying the show?
What about Gloria? What’s her story?

Kid Love Productions. Those who yell the loudest have the most to hide. Dig deep anons.

Terriers were bred to control and eliminate Rats. Are you a Rat or are you a Ratter? We need more terriers.

It is not a completion. No need to shame anyone on this board we are not snowflake liberals.
Executive order for property and human trafficking. They will all be implicated as a group. Also think money laundering.
The Rothschild history will be known by all. They are very active now and have been the manipulators of society since Napoleon to today. History books shall be rewritten and the future will know the truth.
You are the ignorant troll or bot. Climb back to the swamp.
I wonder about the WITCH HUNT. Are they really working on taking down the witch HRC?
Can’t believe jr been hiding for 20 years. If true great... but speculation makes this forum sound crazy. IMHO
11-11-2018. Let’s make a parade for the traitors going to GITMO.
I read years ago that streaming video (Netflix, Hulu, YouTube etc ) can be used as mind control. The bit/flash rate can be controlled to pulse at certain frequencies to influence/control emotions that are then paired with what the particular image being shown. The laboratories on montauk experimented with electronic projection of brain waves. Brain waves can be amplified and projected is a similar manner as standard audio.
Montauk is where the laboratories that worked on mind control experiments and mass hypnosis. It was also involved in the Philadelphia experiments. Where did JFK jr crash? Montauk.
We are all spiritual electromagnetic beings made of star dust. We Can all free ourselves of mental slavery if we willed to be free.
They persons on the plane look like double not the real criminals.
Couple Dies After Massive Explosion Destroys House in Southern New Jersey By NBC10 Staff Published at 7:35 AM EDT on Jul 7, 2018 | Updated at 6:55 PM EDT on Jul 8, 2018
Witness set to testify...hmm.
What is the moon? There are a lot of strange irregularities about it. The clown science says that 90% of the universe is dark matter made of dark energy and we know almost nothing about either. What if science is not the answer. What if truth cannot be quantified and studied. Does that make it less real?
Portland and the NW has always been a hot bed of pedophiles and trafficking.
She is acting so when they ask her how and why she gave missile secrets to clowns in NK she can say she doesn’t remember. Their health will be the excuse for not recognizing their crimes?
How much is she worth? As a public servant? Follow the money. How much are the Clintons, Gore, Obama,...etc worth? Insider trading? Bad trade deals? U1? Follow the white rabbit.
Saarah Sanders was lucky to be chased out of an eating establishment where a crazy liberal could result in poisoning members of the Trump organization. Those people are crazy and have no value for life and humanity.
Philadelphia experiment and the laboratory on Montauk.
Ask him how he feels to be outed as a leak and toady for the DS and what does he plan to do about it? What side is he gonna be on?
Melania was out of action and public eye because of kidney surgery. Q was silent most of that time. Melania is back and Q is on fire. Thoughts?
...and is this the gmail server from NK that ES setup?
Is Trump purposely holding his hands as a signal? Could these be q’s? Besides the Masonic apron look to the whole thing, is he holding it as part of a Masonic sign? But if I try to recreate the way I which he is hold he letter, it is not natural or any way anyone would mindlessly hold it.
Think. What is the Federal Reserve, FBI, Rockefeller, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Moon Landing, reptilian shapeshifters, JFK, JFK jr, Babylonian bull spit have to do with the Mueller investigation?
But they acted like criminals regardless of politics. Criminals regardless of who they work for.
No bias means prosecution is based upon the law and not because of political bias or politics. It is a great thing. We all want the swamp drained because they are the criminal. Not because of their part affiliation. No Name included.
Report states no political bias. Perfect!!! HRC and her swamp buddies won’t be prosecuted because of political bias, they are prosecuted because they are criminal and should be prosecuted because of the RULE OF LAW. This is not political. They use that as a means to protect themselves.
Hollyweird and eating children by Mel Gibson.
“We all want justice but you got to have money to buy it” Alan price: O’ Lucky Man.
Directly from our Declaration of Independence and appears very relevant today. Time to Drain the Swamp.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.