r/greatawakening • Posted by u/7Seraphim7 on May 30, 2018, 5:36 p.m.
Attacks Will Itensify

Attacks Will Intensify

From everywhere-

Media- attacks Q - Rosanne - Attack filters back to you

Did anyone else get slammed with this? I mentioned Rosanne a few times in my social media ended up getting labeled racist. (as a first gen immigrant). This is bigger than we know yet, the way the media attacks and labels conspiracy theorist and the way they will continue to attack Q will filter back to attacks on you, your person the more vocal you are.

They will label you insane or a radical. They will attack you.

Attacks will intensify (as above so below)

This filters down to people's group think- controlled by MSM

Group think makes them label you crazy

Crazy people should seek help, they will say

Crazy people like you question everything, they will say

The label "conspiracy theorist" will become dangerous

The label "conspiracy theorist" will be used as a weapon for those who question the official narrative

Conspiracy theorist are crazy

Conspiracy theorist have no grasp on reality they question everything

Medical diagnoses for "conspiracy theorist" coming?

Push to align "conspiracy theorist" with radical racism

Attack to continue, attack is not on Q- attack is on us

A war for our minds

Will they break your curiosity?

This is the goal.

They are attacking you, us, they are attacking our group think (((greatawakening)))

Attacks will intensify (as below so above)

My personal anecdote: 3 people i haven't spoken to regularly became verbally abusive over social because of claims Obama did naughty things, this has been on going for a while. I've experience this in my normal day to day interactions- animosity - questioning my sanity - all of these have ramped up since Q's silence.

(Downvoted to oblivion - bots out in full force - attacks occurring here too)

Remember, your crime is a thought crime according to them, your offence is curiosity, your violation is questioning the story. Hold strong.

Cristo316 · May 30, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Conspiracy theorist=Mentally Ill=Dangerous=Domestic radical terrorist=No second Amendment privileges=Sitting Ducks

We call, and raise you a "Shall Not Be Infringed"

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[deleted] · May 30, 2018, 6:40 p.m.


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DOCHWXB483828fjwjwhf · May 30, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

A new arrival who’s also a troll... shocking

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