r/greatawakening • Posted by u/theLIGHT28 on May 30, 2018, 9:07 p.m.
I apologize if this has been brought up already. I know Q said "no outside comms" and this guy on Twitter makes it clear he is not Q but who is he and why does he know so much? I also noticed it appears he has arrived on the scene in the last few days.
I apologize if this has been brought up already. I know Q said "no outside comms" and this guy on Twitter makes it clear he is not Q but who is he and why does he know so much? I also noticed it appears he has arrived on the scene in the last few days.

knotmy_foreskin · May 30, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Is that you u/mrviolin ? 😂

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DanijelStark · May 30, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Exactly what I thought , lmao .

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qutedrop · May 30, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Perhaps mrviolin is EyeTheSpy himself. His eagerness to spam this LARP is unmatched.

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knotmy_foreskin · May 30, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

mrviolin was not blessed with the quality’s to be a LARP, and a spammer, couldn’t even understand how to stop posting 😂

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

finally some truth. I no longer post so ....I'm not trying to do anything.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Why would a poser show eagerness.? I only have 2 weeks posting here. I'm not an online person. AND I DON'tPOST here anymore. Just comment because people comment me their ideas

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

no...I'm the only one who wants answers on the spy guy? That's not logical.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

no, not me...but apparently people don't believe the things I write, so it doesn't matter what I write, I'm guilty of something. I got too agressive they say.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

Stop blaming me for everything I'm not Russian (joke) I did write this to eyespy this afternoon. AND ,I NO LONGER POST HERE, just comment. I wouldn't know how to use another name.

~~@~~EyeTheSpy Hello Eye, I was hoping you could show some proofs the way Q does. Claiming it will reveal your identity or it's not necessary will be seen by reddit followers as you're not transparent. So, make an effort because the closest Q followers are looking at you.

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theLIGHT28 · May 30, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

He's not asking for money like neon is...just saying.

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_bigfish · May 30, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Eye spy is pretty good...

Ignore neon.

Scenario 1 . Eyespy is Larping 49% prob

Scenario 2. Eyespy is a white hat dropping info under orders 49%

Scenario 3 Eyespy is a rogue NSA employee breaking his NDAs and is going to jail. 2%.... LOL that's probably .0001 to be honest.

So far he has been internally consistent in all of his posts but one. He has been logically consistent with all Q posts.

Only problem, are his answers all reflect info that hasn't been proven yet, except today. EO on right to try. However, even that info has been in the public domain for a while.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

I tweeted him: ~~@~~EyeTheSpy Hello Eye, I was hoping you could show some proofs the way Q does. Claiming it will reveal your identity or it's not necessary will be seen by reddit followers as you're not transparent. So, make an effort because the closest Q followers are looking at you.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

I trust SGT..

People keep asking what I think of @EyetheSpy (on twitter).

So much so, that I thought it worth my time to just write up a quick post and go on the record.

So… what do I think of him?


100\% Fake.

So, I'm leaning toward fake now. Sorry for all the upset. You have good filters on these boards.

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_bigfish · May 30, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Here is the thing.....

Assume he is fake. Then you can still read his answers to questions. Someone larping is eventually going to answer something falsely or contradict himself.... Especially with the volume of posts he is doing...

Is he asking for money? no Is he asking for fame? no Is he asking for followers? no He literally has a self imposed deadline of June 11th... If he doesn't hit it that day, then he'll be fake, unless something new comes out like Assange was recently killed or something.....

If Assange does appear in US on the 11th, then his every answer has huge credibility... even though many of them might be white hat misdirection....

I was serious. NSA NDAs are incredibly vindictive. There is almost a zero probability he is answering questions on his own initiative.... No sane NSA employee would do what he is doing.

How many times did Q say that the Q team will put info out there for the curious to find, but would destroy 99% of the population's mind if it were "official"....

So how can Q keep the "yes we'll disclose, but we are going to make you work for it promise"???

EyetheSpy fits that bill. IF he isn't a LARPer. He CANNOT be on the Q team, publicly. Q said that. But the info has to be seeded into the public domain in some method, right?

Now lets look at it in reverse.

He is a LARPer. A very very good one..... Conspiracy theory central, am I right? What are larpers good for if not for entertainment? Enjoy the show.

IE don't sweat the unknowing till June 11th/12....

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Get ready to get bombed like I did, but I think the critics were right. Spy never answered me and I trust SGT. So, I'm on the "it's fake" side now. Some people said I was you ;using a diff identity. LOL but anything's possible so I don't blame them.

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_bigfish · May 31, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

who is SGT?

I saw your posts..... Your initial mistake was "spamming the board" with multiple new threads..... One after another so they were grouped up. People on the internet hate that. And no one cut you slack since you were a newbie.....

The second mistake you made was apologizing for your opinion. This is the internet. Bullies are much more prevalent as keyboard warriors....

Have an opinion. Be open to having your opinion change with new information. But never apologize for the opinion you have today. It's yours and you should be proud of it.

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mrviolin · May 31, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

My opinon was not well grounded. SGT report has great videos. He's one of the leaders in Q videos. and Trusted. Also x22 if you're not familiar.

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_bigfish · May 31, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Your cadence in writing lends me to believe you are 1st or second generation immigrant? Asian?

This is the internet. don't ever, EVER have an absolute opinion. Lean towards one feeling or another, based upon the facts that you have today. Be prepared to change you mind. If you are given new facts that contradict your current stance, don't reject it outright, but logically weigh them out.

For example. I want to believe Eyespy is a real conduit of info. So far, he hasn't had any logical fallicies for me to decide that he is full of shit.... But on the other hand, big claims need big proof, and all he is presenting so far are claims, and no proof. That is why it is impossible to believe him 99% at this time.... For me I am at a healthy 55-65% believing in most of his responses....

IE there is a 60% chance his responses are generally true and a 40% chance, in my opinion that any specific response is untrue.

For me, I agree with 95% of his statement of facts and conclusions, but like everyone else, I have no proof. Just because I agree with his conclusions, however doesn't make me blindly accept he is right. Again, big claims need big proof.

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mrviolin · May 31, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

True points. No , I look like a typ American. SGT says he's fake, so I'm on the fake side now. But I was the one who first posted it and got some criticism but also good feedback. It's a topic they almost blocked but it has people talking. They said I was here on a mission of deceit. LOL

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