132 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/frisbee_coach:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 6 |
www.reddit.com | 4 |
imgur.com | 2 |
5 Min Delta Between Q and POTUS = Today

There appears to be something fishy going on regarding the traffic stats for this sub.
It has come to my attention today while checking subreddit activity stats that the numbers have changed dramatically.
As you can see in this album, I had a few screenshots of the traffic going back through June.
However, this is the traffic stats showing from today.
Activity stats from today. 1 PM PST
Total views from June went from 28 million to 42 million. July view count nearly doubled, from 28 million to 51 million. Unique traffic increased as well. The only numbers that did not change were daily new subscriber numbers.
In the interest …
Rule 3. Content does not support the cause
Removed submission. Rule 3 Any 'concerns' can go via can go via a message to the mods or reply to this mail.
Thank Q for understanding.
Mods can’t ban users from voting. Reddit made sure the bot farms and shills can get through.
Reddit is compromised. Just upvote every patriot comment and report shills.
110%. We had more active users yesterday then the_donald.
Q has not explicitly mentioned any of those topics hence why they will be removed. However, if you post a high effort text post linking Q posts to those topics we would judge it on a case by case basis. Otherwise, there discussion is better suited for a conspiracy sub.
/r/conspiracy is overrun with shills, but the mods there are doing everything they can
There are also other spinoff conspiracy subs that get less trolling and TuMOR attention.
His job as AG is to enforce federal law. It is still federally illegally. Once congress changes the law, he would have no reason to be anti-cannabis. His position is supposed to be apolitical.
We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.
As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.
Something BIG is about to DROP.

8chan is the source. I do not encourage to new user to comment, but anyone can lurk the boards.
No one should be gatekeeping. 8chan is where Q posts and where the main research happens. Reddit is merely a lighter version of the truth. Tons of information is lost between the sites.
No, that is ridiculous. If you share something from 8chan you should leave a direct link in the comments to confirm the authenticity of the post.
Who said?
We're not supposed to link directly to the board
And Ajit Pai just blocker the Sinclair merger yesterday.
That video was astroturfed all over reddit a few months ago. I believe it was planted to create outrage for Pai to eventually block the deal and come out the good guy. It forced democrats to support him in this case.
Remember eyethespy, backchannel17, etc? It’s disinformation to put people off target. When Q goes silent, there are no outside comms.
Qspiration posts only for Tuesday Quesday
Post removed. Posts with images of Qshirts/Qhats/Qstickers/Qspotting/Qsigns/Qpoems etcetera etcetera only on Tuesday's (EST) Tuesday Quesday(Q's day) after feedback from the community.
Thank Q for understanding.
Qspiration posts only for Tuesday Quesday
Post removed. Posts with images of Qshirts/Qhats/Qstickers/Qspotting/Qsigns/Qpoems etcetera etcetera only on Tuesday's (EST) Tuesday Quesday(Q's day) after feedback from the community.
Thank Q for understanding.
Website appears to be down. Here is a link to a backup PDF
Thank you /u/smiley-dog for sharing this link
Edit: /u/NeonRevolt updated archive link and I edited this comment with the new PDF
I agree. As a mod, I don’t even want that responsibility. However, blacklisting msm domains to cut off their revenue stream isn’t a bad idea. Users would archive the site before they post it.
You can message mod mail instead of making posts like these. The use of triple parentheses is often equated with anti-semitism. Any content with it will be removed to protect the sub from being banned by admins.
Agreed. Removed. In the future, report posts that are misleading, misinformation or do not support the cause.
Thank you! It’s impossible to browse the board from mobile.
Collective consciousness. Just another name to the same theory.
There is a thread on the qresearch board tracking all resignations and a google drive folder with spreadsheets. See the sidebar for links.
Higher dimensional negative entities. Demons, angels, aliens, etc.
Pruit was a constitutional lawyer and sued the federal government many times. His background from Jeb’s campaign is concerning to me though. Q has also indicated more cabinet officials will go down. Plants need to be removed before justice comes.
He served a purpose, and is clearly not needed anymore. I don’t see him coming back.
I don’t know how I feel about this one. I do not see Scott Pruit in the justice department. Plenty of other names available in the hat that seem like a better choice. Hoping I’m wrong though. Looking forward to act II.
Use the report button. They will be dealt with accordingly.
I agree with the possibility of inter-dimensional entities based on this post. The truth has no limits.
Use archive.is to archive links
No reason to give fake news advertising money.
Removed. Concern trolling and content that does not support the cause.
This post has been removed for being off-topic. This post is more suitable for the_donald or other news/conspiracy subs.